Name: Dualis Animas
Sex: Female
Identified Sex As: Female
Sexual Orientation: NA
Monogamous/Polygamous Quadrants: NA
Age: 9
Height: 5.5 Foot
Blood Color: Black*
Dwelling Location: SinStralls Quarantined Forrest
Personality: Cheerful, greedy with candy and bright colorful things, naive, lazy
Occupation: Currently employed part time as a city walls checkpoint booth attendant
Dualis Animas, a Resident of the largely corrupted forests on the far eastern peninsula of the island of SinStrall, a slavers and perverts paradise.
She love's riddle games and spreading her ‘love’ to willing and the unsuspecting.
most of her extremity limbs are blackend from living in the woods for so long, but no one seems to notice when she wears a coat, and nothing but~