– Perhaps Failsy should have read the instructions to her new clothes a little closer… –
Pairings: Failsy/her own clothes
Summary: Failsy bought some new clothes online, that seem to be more lively than how she expected as it fucks her thoroughly
Warnings: Living Clothes, NonCon, Tentacles, Bondage, Inflation, Domination, Milking, Goo Monster
Clothes by @amorphous-erotic
all the juicy details below the cut~
Amorphous Erotics boasts new items this week in its catalogue. Specials today include: –Emperor’s Clothes (Using mimicry, our slime can match any article of clothing shown to it! And, can discreetly pleasure the wearer. Perfect for pranks, or exhibitionists.) –Nice-o-Pods (tentacles on one side, smooth shell on the other. Big as your thumb, come in bags of twenty.) –Amorphous++ (Gelatinous sphere, able to modulate it’s consistency. It’s uses are only limited by your imagination!)

“oooooh, these look very interesting… i really want to try out these ‘emperor clothes~”
Excitedly, Failsy typed in her order online for a set from the Amorphous Erotics website. wondering what they might look like and how it might feel to wear
The order blinked on her husktop for a moment, before a package tracker popped onto the screen. From the looks of it, the package had already been delivered. Hours ago, in fact. The readout claimed that the box sat right outside her door.

“well, that was quick”
failsy commented, moving from her desk to her front door in anticipation. an anticipation that was aggravated by the magical nature of her door, as she repeatedly opened the door to see if the parcel was on the door step before closing it again and turning the dial fixed to the door to change which town it lead to and checked again. but eventually she found it at the rural cottage house.
“ahh, there you are!”
she announced, picking up the package and bringing it eagerly inside. returning to her room with all haste so she could open it and look inside
Spilling out from the cardboard box and onto the floor, the clothes took the form of a perfectly transparent bikini. The outside appeared to be perfectly smooth, while the inside was covered in hundreds of small wriggling tendrils. The bottom held two larger, longer tentacles which shivered with the movement.
Along with the clothing came a small sheaf of paper. Marked in english and alternian with the words “User Manual”. It mentioned a few important facts for failsy to keep in mind. First that the clothing could mimic any article or articles of clothing that were pressed against it. And, that it reacted to vocal commands.
Failsy read the manual over as she picked up the clear jelly like clothes and put them on her bed, wondering if she should try out that mimic ability before putting them on as she glanced at the bottoms containing the larger tentacles.

“heheh, yeah, lets try out the full package!”
she said aloud, oblivious to the whether the clothes could understand her outside of its commands. she was too busy rummaging through her wardrobe and pulled out a dark shirt and skirt, wondering how the process really worked as she followed the instructions and pressed the clothing to the appropriate living mimics.
As soon as the the cloth touched the goo, the reaction began. Spreading across each surface, the slime appeared to grow thinner and opaque, spinning itself into threads that it then wove into clothing.
The top and bottom instantly reformed themselves, now perfect duplicates of the shirt and skirt. With the two side by side, the only real difference that Failsy could notice would be the size tags on the inside missing. The tentacles that had been present on them previously no longer appeared to be there.
Somehow, it had hidden them from her. Perhaps to give the illusion an added layer of believability? In any case, what appeared to be cloth felt exactly like the mimic had earlier: warm and slick to the touch.
Failsy looked on in awe of the clothes transformation and grinned devently once she saw they were now identical to normal clothes and barley lewd at all in their new form. secret lewdness is best lewdness!
“oooh its warm and slimy~” failsy commented as she quickly removed her cloths and collar and got changed in to the living copy.

‘oooh, that feels nice and snug! like a nice hug~”
As her skin met the fibrous tentacles, a shift occurred. The cilia, dormant beneath the surface returned once again, sliding themselves against the troll’s gray skin. They wrapped and clung onto every surface that stuck out. Dozens of cilia wrapped themselves around each of her violet nipples, giving them a slimy pinch and rub.
Deep in her skirt, the larger tentacles made their own reappearance. Both of them worming their way into her nook with wriggling undulation. The smaller one teased around the outside while the smaller one began to casually pump inside of her.
From a distance, they would be imperceptible. But if someone were close enough, the bulges and writhing shapes underneath the clothes would give the charade away.
the feeling of the full body massage had failsy weak at the knees in moments, causing her to collapse half on her bed in an undignified manner as pathetic moans escaped her lips.

this would take a lot of getting use to if she were to try and wear this outside her hive. she thought in a more broken and distracted language as she writhed against her bed at the feeling of her nook being violated by her skirt.
“hhhnngg, ahhhh, yessss, right there…”
she moaned aloud, enjoying the sensations and babbling with little thought to what she was saying
The fields of cilia writhed against her body, and with each passing moment more of them began targeting her sensitive spots. Each nipple assailed by an army of tiny tongues hellbent on teasing her til she became a gibbering wreck.
Down below, the tentacles in her nook began to ramp up their pace. The ramming limb extending far enough inside her to tickle places no bulge should ever be able to reach. The ribs on the tentacles slipping and sliding against her inner walls as the gyrating limbs splashed her leaking genetic fluid further down her legs. The cilia began joining in on the act as well, hundreds of them tickling and teasing all around her nook, wriggling right on the edges of her ravaged entrance.

“oooooohhhh goooog!”
failsy moan whorishly as she writhed against the bed, completely miss judging how potent her new toy was before deciding to wrap her self inside it so she couldnt escape, much like she was now unconsciously trying to do as she writhed and arched her back to escape contact from her own clothes.
“oohh fuck, ahhh, fuck me harder!”
she babbled, loveing the feeling of how deep the tendrils were delving, she loved that about tentacles, they could get all the way in to her inner pail where her cervix would normally stop even the largest bulge. and now they tickling her extra deeply inside as she managed to climb on to the bed as she searched for the instruction leaflet, maybe there was a note on how to turn town the pleasure before she disappeared in to the white fog that descended on her mind
But there in lies the trouble with escaping tentacle clothes. Moving her body to escape the clothes on one part of her only pressed her deeper into the twisting and turning cilia on the other side of her body.
At her command, the clothing moved from passively teasing her to actively fucking her. The long thin tentacles tickling her insides split into more as they filled her every inch. Their delicate fronds flailing wildly against her innermost parts. Along side them, a real arm length pounder of a tentacle wormed itself into Failsy’s nook. It aligned itself and then began a piston-like rhythm. Thrusting itself into her with a force hard enough to shake her body each push making a loud slapping sound as it backed flush into her ass.
The leaflet held few words on it. The only real important parts seemed to be instructions on leaving the clothes out in the sun to re-charge them and a small sentence mentioning that they could be commanded vocally in any language.
Failsy was on her hands and knees on top of the bed, reaching for the leaflet when the thick tentacle rammed into her sodden nook. knocking the wind out of her and causing her fall face first in to her bed with her ass raised high in the air. being forced in to this position pressed her sizable breasts in to the bed and in turn pressed them hard in to the sea of nubby tentacles assailing her nipples.
“OOOoooohhhh gGOOOG!!!”
she cried out again as her room filled with the sound of wet slaps of the tentacles railing her nook and her own whorish moans. so much so what in a split moment of lucidity, she recalled her hive mate might hear her and come to investigate.
the last time Gemmel found her masturbating, things got weird for a while, something Failsy really didn’t want to go through again as she glanced at her respite block door and noticed that it was unlocked.

“Ooohhh, bind and gag me…” she cursed between moans, realizing that she will have to some how get across the room and lock it. with a ragged sigh, she reached for the edge of the bed to pull her self across, intending to fall off the bed and crawl to the door as her legs were now numb from the intense railing she was receiving
Pressed tit first into the mattress, the pressure against the cilia caused them to grab and hold onto her rock hard nipples, winding themselves around and around.
And with her ass in the air, the pounding tentacles reamed her with full room to withdraw. Instead of slapping the bed into the wall, the shaking pressed her hard into the soft mattress. The pressure pushing her further and further onto the bed of wriggling tendrils.
As she exclaimed and fell off the bed her order was acknowledged. The sleeves and skirt extended thin tendrils which wrapped themselves around her, binding her legs and arms to her side. From the collar came a ball of wriggling tendrils, which clambered its way up and into her mouth muffling the cries that were surely coming.

now bound and silenced on her fluffy respite-room rug, failsy realized the folly of her careless words, vocal commands, how much of an idiot could she be?
she thought in lamentation as she continued to suffer through her seemingly endless yet pleasurable torture.
from the uncountable tendrils holding, pinching and pulling on her nipples and massaging her breasts with endless amounts of feelers, to the thick nook destroyer pounding her from behind until she saw stars. the violet blood writhed on the floor in her growing puddle of sexual fluids now soaking in the carpet.

she moaned in wracked bliss, secretly loving the fact she was bound and tied, despite her predicament. the white haze had descended over her consciousness now and made it hard to form a coherent string of thought. but she knew she needed to escape some how, before things got bad, like if she passed out.
she didn’t get much further in to the planing stage as she convulsed in orgasm, which shut off her thoughts for several minuets as she tried to recover
As she writhed in pleasure, the living bonds and tendrils tightened their grip around her. With each twist and pull the knots holding her in place cinched themselves tighter and tighter. The pounding tentacles fucking her slid in and out in their own twisting rhythms, sloshing with the fluid now coating her legs and staining her bedroom carpet.
The pinching and teasing cilia sustained their assault, now squeezing and groping Failsy’s breasts like a pair of hands, squishing them together and roughly clasping around each jiggling tit. They milked and twisted each slip-sliding nipple, sending brief jolts of pleasure radiating through the Troll’s chest. With a ripping sound, the tentacle shirt split holes for breasts to poke through, covering them only in writhing cilia that swirled around and over her ooze coated skin.
Down below the skirt slid a skinny tendril probing around her ass, rimming the puckering entrance with a brush-like head. All the while, the cilia gripped and writhed against her. Slowly, the skirt extended the binding threads out into the corner of the room. The bonds holding Failsy slowly pulling her legs apart, holding her vulnerable crotch open to be plundered by the greedily pounding tentacles.

“hnnnnggg! glk hmmnng”
Failsy gasped and moaned through her silencing binds. given no choice but to open her legs and receive the tentacles that pounded in to her nook with sloshing wet slaps that echoed through out her room.
her ass puckered at the brush that tickled at her waste chute,almost inviting it in while it tormented her. wanting to be filled and satisfied like her nook was currently.
writhing on the floor, failsy looked at the unlocked door once more through her now blurry vision, the constriction on her neck and gag made her light headed with low oxygen, but her nook all the more sensitive. and now she almost wanted that door to open and Gemmel to come to her aid.. almost.
her domination by her own clothes was intoxicating and exciting, she loved the tightness and the abuse so far, making hr feel helpless and vulnerable at the living clothes whims
With her legs spread, the tentacles moved to pull her arms apart, stretching her eagle, suspending her off the floor under the tension that only the thin flexible tentacle threads could provide. Restricting her air had been a lovely side effect of the binding process, but as the tentacles moved to accommodate the new position, they allowed her neck enough freedom for a few short gasps of air through her nose.
The tendrils fucking her withdrew, melding together into a large flat tongue covered in bumps and thin writhing hairs. The tongue pressed itself into her crotch and began sawing its way forward and back, grinding its teasing bumps into her like a hobby horse. On its center pooled the unearthly combination of her own juices, tentacle slime and a potent aphrodisiac.
Each sawing lick rubbed more of the textured bumps against her, requiring the thin vines to double lash her legs just to hold her against it.

Bound, Gagged and hanging spread eagle a foot off the floor. Failsy moaned through ragged breaths as she pined for the thick tentacles that no longer ravaged her nook, shuddering and writhing as her overly sensitive pussy was teased and tormented. her body wracked with micro orgasams with each drag of the nubby tongue that rasped against her abused nook.
‘oh… oh gog, this is incredible…, i don’t want this to ever stop!’
she thought through her addled mind, her new clothes were playing on so many kinks of hers that her helplessness didn’t concern her as much as excite her.
While the teasing continued, the clothes had busied themselves concocting a new torture for her erstwhile neglected breasts. Clear tentacles filled with a blue fluid and topped with long spindly needles rose up from the back of her shirt. And while the bonds on her strained to keep her still, they pricked the length of their penetrating tips into her tits. It was just a pinch, but she could feel them inside her, the aphrodisiac turning even that pain into unimaginable pleasure.
The fluid in their bodies at once emptied inside of her, the blue fluid going into her chest and stimulating changes in the troll’s anatomy. Where once her breasts had been vestigial, they now began swelling with an outrageous surplus of milk. Failsy would be able to feel the pressure building as they withdrew their injections, the path they took already forming an easy channel for her white milk to leak out in small drips.
If she was going to make the clothes work so hard, the least she could do was provide them with a free meal. Before her eyes, she saw the needles stretch and widen into translucent bells; milking suction cups that pressed against her freshly swollen teats. The pressure of them firming up against her enough to squirt out the first gushing trickle.

if failsy was’t gagged so well, she would be crying out so loudly that her hivemate downstairs would not only hear her, but may also be deafened as he intense heat that coursed through her tits turned to intense pleasure. as what was a trickle, soon became a stream of lactation that filled the suction cups for the clothes to greedily drink down and absorb.
bound as she was, all the poor troll could do was arch her back and squirm in her bounds as she became the toy and food source for her mail ordered tormentors.
With their hold secured, the suction began in earnest. Left and right, the suckers alternated force. Spraying milk down the tentacles for the rest to feed upon. The rough play pulling and swelling the troll’s lactating nipples, stretching them all the way out of the sweater’s nipple slots. With her breasts so prominently on display, other tentacles got to work wrapping themselves in coils around each dripping udder. They squeezed from chest to nipple, not allowing any drop to remain inside her, ushering out great surges of milk with each undulating grip.
Down below, the tongue had finished it’s work in teasing her. It inverted itself into a drill head covered in bumps and lined up against the troll’s pussy. It spun and spun until inserting itself inside her, grinding the textured bumps against her skin and stretching her nook with it’s size and force.

failsy became lost in her seemingly endless pleasure at the many, many hands of her tormentors. muffled moans sounded weakly around her room which was easily drowned out by the hard wet slaps of the tentacle drill stretching out her nook with every powerful thrust, and the sloshing fluid that filled the translucent suction cups and the splashes into the puddle that grew from beneath her.
in her fog filled mind, she loved every moment of it, and with her bedroom door still dangerously unlocked, the fact her hive mate could walk in at any time excited her all the more as she squirmed involuntarily in her binds.
The drill twisted with its thrusts, forcing itself deeper in one last final attempt at providing the troll orgasmic pleasure. The clothes were running out of power, and despite the constant flow of nutrients they didn’t exactly possess the most efficient of digestive systems for converting the milk into boundless energy.
The tendril and suction cups gave one last tug before collapsing off of her. The threads went limp, dropping failsy to the floor in a heap. And all of the clothes melted off of her into a puddle on the floor, energy completely spent. The liquids they held seeped out of them, coating the troll in her own fluids and milk. It’d be a day or two until her breasts stopped leaking, but she wouldn’t be getting another milking session without repairing the set of tentacle clothes.
They needed sunlight.
With the lack of restraint and constant stimulation, failsy just lay exhausted on the wet floor, covered in sweat, cum, slime and her now limp tormentor. her chest heaving as she spat out the ball of tentacles and took in several deep breaths
“huff, huff, ahh, wow… that was so great….ahhh”
she wheezed as she rolled over and unsteadily got back up on to her feet, letting the mimic fall away to the floor. it still seemed to squirm at her, but seemed to weak to keep at it now
“awww, your still wanting to go? well just rest now and i’ll get you some good sunlight~”
failsy murmured as she collapsed on her bed to start rubbing the feeling back in to her legs for a few minuets as she reflected on what just happened.. and schemed on what she wanted to try next time when her new pet was recharged, and what she might need to alter so she could wear it in public with out putting on a overtly lewd display~
“i think we are going to be good friends~” failsy murmured as she picked up the limp mimics to lay them on the empty flower box to soak up some sun when dawn came around while the worn out troll stumbled off to clean her self up.