Transcribed RP using D&D rolls and rules between Osilai and Karlii
Osilai and Karlii exploring a seemingly insane manor
Pairings: Osilai/Karlii
Summary: Osilai received a message informing her what she has the chance to inherit a massive mansion, that is, if she can find the deed locked in the property, with the aid of her friend Karlii, can she?
Warnings: no real sexual content yet, adult themes
all the juicy details below the cut~
Osilai was reading over a Email that had been sent from a anonymous sender, usually this would go straight to the trash but her distraction from the new dildo in her ass caused her to open it instead of deleting it. in the email it outlined that she had been given the deed to a manor on the outskirts of town, so long as Osilai visited the hive and retrieved the deed of ownership from the attic.sounded fair enough, and a few checks with the imperial office of hive allocation did confirm she had a pending hive on condition that she provide the deed. giving it some more time to think about it… and finish testing out her new toy, Osilai called Karlii to meet her out front of the hive the following evening Osilai waited for her friend wearing her normal coat and tight pants and holding her compartmentalized quarter staff
Karlii joined her friend at the location she told her to be at, she was wearing a leather jacket over her favorite crop top and booty shorts combination with her blue and purple high tops. Over her back her greataxe was slung, clearly she was ready for a fight if it came to that and she didn’t plan on messing around at all. “Hey Osi~” she said, running over and giving her friend a hug before backing up a bit and giving her personal space “Soo whats the delio with this hive?”
“sweep stakes scam and challenge” osilai replied after returning the hug, looking up at the manor. Through the picket line of trees to the north you see a three story stone manor house set behind a stone wall seven feet in height. The building looks as if it has been abandoned for some time. The grounds are overgrown and a leafy blanket of vines covers much of the stone work. Other than a murder of Caw Beasts nesting on the roof you see no signs of life. The rusted iron gate stands partially open. Amazingly, the grass and weeds beyond the gate have grown almost to the height of the wall itself turning the interior courtyard into a labyrinth of vegetation. “looks creepy as fuck tho, i’ll need to set the yard on fire to get it under control…” osilai murmured with a pained sense of dread of having to take care of a lawn ring
“You could just freeze the plants to death, then shatter them to spruce it up a bit” Karlii said as she began to enter the courtyard, unsure of what is to come. A she began to look over the house she began to look towards the wall behind her, noticing the weeds “Wow those are tall as hell.” she stated before letting her eyes finally reach the manor. She was surprised at its size, and more importantly how anyone would let a beautiful manor such as that to be abandoned
Osilai followed behind Karlii, out of a small amount of cowardice and knowing her friend was much stronger than she was. “they are certainly not natural… think this hive belonged to another psionic?” she remarked, pondering the email again “maybe the previous owner was culled?” she asked as they walked the path towards the front door
“That would suck, but yeah i could see it happening” She said rather nonchalantly as she reached the front door, and just because she wanted to lighten the mood of whats going on, seeing how nervous Osi was of the hive. “Hey check this out!” she says turning around and jumping back, trying to open the doors with her ass, seeing how rotted they really are
The ornate double doors were free of the vines that cover the rest of the building that they opened easily with out issue, and make a loud bang as the door swings out and hits the outer wall. Osilai only had a moment to see that there were dozens of runes burned into the wood of the doors as she nervously pondered the thought that this could indicate the entrance is magically trapped or protected. and hissed slightly at the loud bang. sadly Osilai did not have time to rebuke Karlii for it when a loud foreboding snort drew her attention back towards the courtyard entrance. Through the path they had made in the tall grass she could see a massive black six legged rhinoceros. The beast paws at the ground with its powerful hoof as it tosses its head from side to side displaying a lethal three foot long horn. “errr… karlii…”
While Karlii readjusted herself and got back up she noticed the Rhino and stared at it intently “is… is that a hornbeast?!” she asked in complete and utter surprise “how did it get here??” She asked in utter confusion as she instinctively took her place in front of Osi and unsheathed her axe and stood tall as she could, raising her axe horizontally in a defensive position
Osilai shrank back behind her friend and edged towards the door. “i have no idea why it is here, but it looks angry” she replied eyeing it uneasily, that horn looked especially lethal to her soft squishy body. “err, perhaps we should get inside?” the Hornbeast snorted again as it continued to paw the ground, reading itself to charge at the axe wielding troll and her companion hiding behind her
Karlii nodded at the idea of getting into the hive, and steadied her erratic breathing “On 3 we make a break for it”. She gripped the handle of the axe and began to count down “3…” She began to back up, pushing Osi back with her “2…” she continued she was eyeing the hornbeast for any movements “1…” she turned and grabbed Osi by the waist and she ran as fast as she could inside
osilai gave a yelp of surprise as her blue blooded fuck buddy suddenly grabbed her and was now running through the door with her under her arm like a cold keg of ale. the sounds of the hornbeast galloping on all six legs could be heard behind them, seeing that the beast was most likely going to follow them inside and wreck their shit in close quarters, while being carried osilai created a ice cold ghostly hand in the air to grab the door and slam it shut as they crossed the thresh hold. closing it in time for a serrated horn to pierce the door, but still hold as the beast pulled away and moved away from the door
Karlii looked in horror at the serrated horn of the beast that just charged them, and immediately continued running, looking for a staircase to run up. At the first one she found she immediately looked it over, trying to see if there is any dangerous structural issue that could lead to herself or her goddess send of a boss getting injured. She then realized she was still carrying Osi, and decided it would probably be best to put her down
Standing in the foyer, the main hallway on the first floor is directly in front of Karill. There is a closed door to her left and a stairwell to her right leading to the second floor. Her attention is immediately drawn to the doorway beneath the stairs. From the second you stepped foot into the house something began knocking on the other side of this door. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The steady banging shows no sign of stopping. “holy fucking shit!” Osilai cried, just barely getting up from the floor only to back step away from the stairs. 10 minuets here and she already wanted to go hive and soak in a tentacle tub and forget this place.

“Nope nope nope not dealing with that shit!” she said, running up the stairs, “osi come on!” she shouted, hoping she would get up the stairs before whatever was on the other side got through or the hornbeast broke the door down
Osilai looked up and nodded, scrambling up the stairs, flinching as the banging continued on the door as she climbed to the second floor. “Karlii, i have a feeling as too why this place is abandoned…” At the top of the stairs a hallway runs the entire length of the west side of the manor. There must be an open window nearby as there is a slight breeze in the air. behind the two girls come the sounds of banging from under the stairs

“Why might that be?” Karlii asked missing the very obvious answer. however she wasn’t thinking all to hard about it as she walked the length of the second floor, looking down a corridor she notices four doors. “Hey wanna check somewhere down here to just see whats around’
Osilai didn’t get a chance to respond as a gust of wind began to blow from some unseen source, whipping about the two gals attempting to push them back down the hall towards the stairs that lead to the hall the wind came at such a surprise to Osilai that was blown off her feet and tumbled down the hall, snapping her quarter staff in half as it got caught side ways in the hall and was struck by her fall. winding her as she hit the floor
Karlii stumbles but doesn’t fall as she watches Osi get absolutely fucked up by the gust of wind. “holy shit Osi!” she cried out as she rushed over to her injured friend. She knelt down next to her and did everything she could not to cause any more pain to her after that knock back
With the aid of her friends help, Osilai got back on to her feet, still holding her side where she broke her fighting stick, which lay mournfully on the floor in pieces. “im definitely not having a good day” she replied, looking back down the hall where the wind had now subsided to a gentle breeze again. “so whats that now? a horn beast, a noisy neighbor and now a indoor tornado? yeah, i think thats a pretty good reason to leave town and go to east alternia, fuck, even sinstrall is looking like a holiday home right now”
“We can’t, that hornbeast is still out there!’ We just gotta look through this house. At the very least you can make this a good brothel” karlii said as she supported Osi and began walking to the closest corridor, fearing being almost killed again she tied the rope to a bolt for the crossbow, and fired at the wall across from her, securing herself an anchor for her second attempt
Osilai watched her partner pull out the strange gear out of her pack, wondering what possessed her to bring such gear to see a abandoned hive, but she didn’t say anything about it as she was glad she did, feeling the pain in her side ebb away as she stood unassisted. “well, so long as we survive… were having out asses handed to us by a pailing hall way” she remarked bitterly, looking down at her staff and the dildo that had fallen out of the compartment in the shaft
Karlii moved herself so that her back was completely against the wall before she began to move. She started walking in a slow and steady way, making sure that when the wind hit she wouldn’t be caught off guard again. She did her best to not shake either, already getting nervous at the idea of another gust hitting her and hurting her badly
Karlii seemed to be over compensating for the for the wind tunnel that when she reached the center of the hallway intersection, the wind kicked up once more and took the feet from out under her, dropping the blue blood and pushing her back towards osilai who was taking cover behind the hallway opening for her friend to come sliding past on the varnished floorboards. “you know… that looks kind of fun if we threw some soap suds on the ground” she joked, still trying to work out what kind of fake ass magic was afoot
“God damn it!” Karlii cried out, she wasn’t going to give up on this, and tested the bolt to check if it got torn out of the wall. She wasn’t going to give up easily, and she didn’t plan on letting some dumb ass magic trap get the best of her. However she noticed Osi was taking up the rope, and decided to applaud her friend for the fact that she wasn’t going to give up when this dumb shit hurt her already. So she stood back, gave osi a pat on the ass and did her best to be encouraging “You can do it, just brace yourself for when that shit hits hard”
taking up the rope osilai tugged a few times and steeled her self for the trek, she was unaccustomed to outdoorsy activity’s so when the wind started to blow hard, she forgot to grip the rope tight like a vigorous hand job and was immediately sent sprawling back in to karlii, giggling a bit at the situation the girls were facing.
Karlii was giggling a bit too at their apparently futile struggle as she got up and tried again, this time making it a little shorter than Osi did, resulting in getting pushed back again and rolling into osi “God this stupid fucking trap is so DUMB!”
“i reckon right? right, i have an idea” osilai replied, chuckling as she tried again to get some where else on this floor. opting to use her psionics to freeze the floor with her feet and create small foot holds to help her walk along the hallway. which seemed to work as the wind kicked up, osilai was able to keep her footing and press forward, reaching the end of the hall where the wind completely vanished, not even the slight breeze was present any more, leaving behind the scent of stagnant air “did i win?” osilai asked, calling back to Karlii
“You cheating bitch! I love it!” she said, as she ran over to Osi and immediately pulled her bolt out of the wall and retrieved the rope form it. She gave her friend a congratulatory grab of the ass and immediately began to look around the corridor, specifically deciding which doors would be interesting or beneficial to look in
Osilai did a quick count of their options on this floor, there were 2 sets of stairs leading back down, one to the north and one to the south, as well as 6 still closed doors leading to what she assumed to be respite blocks. “Well, now we have sorted out that hallway, lets see if we can find a grub phone to call in a dang drone squad to murder that hornbeast” osilai replied, unsure which door to pick from
“Do you think the wind’ll show back up if i go to grab your dildo? because i kinda wanna blind throw it and whichever door it is the closest to is the one we’re gonna go in”
Osilai gave her friend a sideways glance, trying to figure out if she was serious “well, i cant say if it will start again, but i cant even feel a breeze anymore, i guess it’s stopped?” Osi gestured back towards her broken hollow staff and the solid teal silicon dildo still laying on the floor “go ahead you weirdo”
Karlii went over to the shattered staff and grabbed the dildo. She went in the middle of the two corridors and began to spin, eventually letting go. Upon not hearing any more bounces she followed where the sounds were, leading her to the last door on the left hand side
Osilai stood back and watched her friend open the door that she had chosen via flying dildo, muttering to her self that karlii will have to pay for that if she broke the toy Opening the door to a closet, Osi see’s a completely empty room inside. standing there for a moment looking for anything suss, she became momentarily startled and something unseen brushes across her feet.

“Is there anything in there dude?” She asked, taking her sweet ass time getting to the room as she stretches out, clearly that wind was not helping her back
Standing with her back to the wall after being startled, the teal blood looked back at the blue blood. “er.. no nothing, its a completely empty room” she replied, looking back at the empty closet
“You sure about that? You’re looking pretty spooked…” She said, going over to the blueblood who was pressed up against the wall
“just… Just thought something crawled over my boot” Osilai replied, regaining her composure
“I didn’t see anything… Want me to go in and prove nothing’s in there just to make you feel better?’
“Sure, you do that miss ‘brave battle axe’ ” Osilai replied bitterly
Karlii laughed a bit before going in, acting as if nothing could possibly be wrong in the room
Osilai watched as Karlii’s Slutty ass moseyed on in to the closet, and then gasped as that ass vanished as it crossed the thresh hold. she could still hear her friends foot steps and the clank of the axe swinging in tits holster, but Osilai was still staring at a completely empty closet again.
Karlii looked around, doing a very precursory check of the room before exiting. “See, nothing to worry about!” She said shrugging as osi didn’t seem any more calmed by her checking the room. However on her way out she stubbed her toe on something “Shit!” she said, looking around and not seeing a single thing
“karlii!!” osilai called out, hearing her friend sware, she still couldn’t see Karlii, even after she left the closet, i cant see shit, you down right vanished in there!“ she continued, looking for the source of sound that might be her friend
“Wait what do you mean i’m invisible?” She said, looking down and not even seeing her own hands “What the FUCK is happening”
“i dunno, did you get disintegrated and now im chatting to your ghost?” osilai offered, being a little facetious
“I mean maybe the universe couldn’t handle how sexy i am and just deleted me”
“great, so now who is gonna test my experiments?”
“I don’t know, maybe if we figure this out we can fix me?”
“hmmm, what if….. we wrap you in clear latex? could you imagine? you look like a big bubble!”
“That’s an incredible idea!” She said with a broad smile”You just thought of the best solution!’
“great, lucky for you i know your size~” osilai replied, also smiling tho she couldn’t see karlii, and was also imagining what if she crempied her sex pal and her cum remained visible, tho she kept that to her self for the time being
Karlii laughed a bit, knowing Osi probably has something for this situation.Just to make sure her friend can’t see her, and since she knows Osi can’t resist looking at her ass she pulls her shorts down and mooning her boss and best friend
osi didn’t notice her friends display and instead was busy holding out her arm to the closet, seeing if it would disappear, but it did not, concluding that she would have to walk completely in to also be turned invisible, but opted not to, at least until they figured out how to make karlii visible
Karlii saw Osi ignore her and knew this was serious. Thus so she immediately went to thinking “hey… do you think you could see things if you cooled the room so mist formed and you could see the outlibene of objects? I know it might not work but it’s worth a try:”
Osi tried to look back at her friend, but realized that was a futile attempt and decided to try anyway. pointing her hand towards the closet and releasing a stream of cold frost in to the small utility room. however, once the frost crossed the thresh hold it too vanished, leaving only a small amount of frost around the door way. “hmmm, ill that seems to have done is make us a cold invisible cupboard….” osilai replied grimly
“God damn it. Well i’m all out of ideas…. unless you can think of anything” Karlii said as she got ready to brute force the solution by charging into the room to break whatever she could find and hope it stopped the invisibility field..
all Karlii managed to accomplish was to punch and throw around invisible cleaning products and kick around the steel bucket that one one could see. something plastic hit the wall next to osilai that caused her to take cover from the invisible rampage
Karlii was exhausted from her little outburst, but even more frustratingly she wasn’t anywhere closer to not being invisible. She knew she had to do something but she knew she wasn’t thinking straight. She presses herself against the back wall of the closet and takes a deep breath, trying to figure out how she could do that in a rational way
Osilai, now standing off to the side of the door way to avoid invisible projectiles. trying to recall what she remembered about invisibility. “you done in there?” Osilai asked, not hearing the blue blood trying to break stuff.
“Yeah I am.” She replied, no longer having fun in this magic house, mostly because she at least likes knowing where she’s walking instead of being invisible and unable to even see she she’s hitting.
“You wanna get out of the magic cubord now?” Osilai asked. Assuming her friend was still in there. “Bathing in that kind of magic cant be helpful”
“Good point” Karlii said, walking out of the closet as she tries to rack her brain for a reason or way she can dispel the invisibility
“maybe we will find a book on how to dispel it somewhere else here?” osilai offered, gesturing to the other doors in the hallway. “maybe the previous owner wrote down some notes?”
“I dunno, wanna look in the other rooms?” karlii asked, defeated and just wanting to look in another room due to the overwhelming defeat of being unable to dispel the invisibility
“alright then, lets do…. that one” osilai replied to the nothingness in the hall, as she wondered if there was a study or something on this floor. as she open the door on the other side of the hall across from the cupboard This room is adorned with a large four post bed with a canopy curtain. The bed is set with crimson blankets and gold colored pillows. There is also a large wooden dresser which appears to be made of cherry wood. Sitting on the dresser is a fine set of silver grooming items. “huh… i think this place might have been a brothel already?”

“fuck yeah. Saves us money in furniture costs… Wanna ransack it to see if we find anything?” Karlii asked Osi as she began to look for any place where valuables, or even something interesting could be hidden
on the dressing table, Karlii would find several silver items, such as a hand mirror, a silver comb and a pair of ornate scissors. but very little of note in the dresser draws aside from some scraps of moldy clothing and lint. “well you could ransack it, be good to know if there is anything here worth the effort were going though.” Osilai replied walking in to the room and peering at the glittering goodies, not knowing if she was looking through Karlii or not
“I’m already ahead of you just so you know” she says, grabbing the scissors, comb, and the hand mirror, trying not to look at it in fear of getting angry at her state… once again
Osilai nodded with a raised eyebrow, in a ‘no shit sherlock’ fashion at the sight of a hand mirror floating in mid air. glancing through her friend, at the silver beauty products that she was pocketing, estimating that they cost about 110 gold cagars in total. then turned to the four poster bed, giving one of the tick posts a push to see how much give the solid bed had before flopping down on the bed. “well, at least the bed is soft” she murmured
Karlii couldn’t help but feel hurt, feeling as if she dissipated into thin air. She was scared and vulnerable, and she wanted to push further “Osi…. I think im going to go by myself to look for a way to reverse this invisibility. It’s fucking me up”
“well, give me a minuet before i catch up then, i’m gonna look in to something” Osilai replied, taking out her grub phone to look up cures for invisibility wile laying across the crimson silken quilt, sighing at the first result which described swinging a dead cat and singing ode to heiress while standing in hell beast dung. if Karlii looked back at the teal blood, Osilai would look like a teenager leisurely texting on her phone.
Karlii saw Osi seemingly was texting, and was texting for forever before she had to step out, and decided she was going to find it on her own. She couldn’t deal with waiting for Osi to finish texting whoever she was, and decided she was going to find it herself. fuck the danger she had the weapon to deal with it so she isn’t scared…. at least that’s what she told herself. She did wait a few more minutes though as she tried to calm herself down and tell herself that maybe everything will be okay…. she hoped.
back in the hallway, where Karlii was standing near the doorway where Osilai was still she could see 2 more door way’s before the T intersection that the dammed wind kicked their asses. one door one the left, like the one the last bedroom had, and a more ornate door with a plaque next to it labelled ‘library’ back in the bed room Osilai continued to look through search results on invisibility cures, but found a porn flick where a a super hero with the power of invisibility was raped by tentacle fiends… which she decided to book mark for later.
Karlii called over to Osi, and decided to get only a little bit passive aggressive. “If you’d like to help i’ll be in the room labeled library…. that is if you feel like looking”. She turned the handle of the door, and scanned the room, looking for anything that just looked important or magical, but for all she knew it could be nothing but useless books that won’t have any bearing on trying to get her fixed.
Opening the door, karlii could see shelves containing hundreds of books line the walls of this library. A large oak desk dominates the middle of the room. The legs of the desk are carved to resemble coiled dragons. Behind it is a chair of similar design. In one corner of this library stands an assembled suit of plate mail armor clutching a sword. On the desk is a leather bound volume and what looks to be an iron candelabra fashioned to resemble a hydra with nine heads. back in the room, osi had looked up briefly towards the door “oooh a library?” before getting up to follow

“Osii, i think i found something important and i don’t wanna fuck with it” karlii said, turning to her clearly distracted friend “It’s that leather book, i don’t wanna mess with it because one i don’t know jack shit about magic, and two the whole dragon imagery. I don’t wanna cause a monster or something to show up like that weird ass horn beast that’s currently rampaging around the courtyard” Karlii explained as she shifted anxiously from side to side, anxious as to if the book had the answer to her current biggest issue
“ooooh!” osi exclaimed, right behind karlii, tho osilai had no idea where her friend was. tho she still had her phone in hand with a cocky smile. “well before i open a potentially evil book that might summon a some horny fuck crazed demons, can you punch a wall? i found out how to cancel the invisibility spell.” she announced waving her smart phone in triumph.
“Uhh, sure?” Karlii said, really unsure how punching a wall would help get back to her normal state but she’s desperate. So she does so, walking next to Osi she punches the wall “Ok i did that, what now?” She asked, realizing just how desperate she sounded, mumbling a bit “okay maybe horny demons do sound a little good though…” As she waited for her friends reaction, she began to think on that a little bit
osilai heard the impact first before grinning as her friend reappeared in front of her. apparently the magic forum was right, an aggressive action like a punch broke the light shield that bent the light around the focal target. “ahh, there you are, welcome back~” osilai remarked, stepping in to the library, casually glancing around though nothing looked suspect at the moment as she approached the large book on the desk. to give it a look over. there was no title on the cover, but turning the first page, she read ’ beginner guide to transmutation’
“are you fucking KIDDING ME!?” Karlii said, baffled at the fact that she just reappeared like it was nothing and that infuriated her because all she had to do was give into her rage and it would’ve been fixed. Teaches her right to be calm and collected. But she had to shake herself out of that mindset as she heard osi read the first page’s header. “Oh shit, is that an actually useful magic book?” she asked, becoming intrigued at the evil looking book, but she disregards the visual element to the book because without it it makes more sense
“looks like it, seems to be a lot of low grade transmutation spells, not insignificant spells mind you, just a lot of the easier to work spells” Osilai replied, looking over her shoulder to her friend, looking to note if Karlii had regained her composure now. “looks like some one transmuted the cover for kicks” osilai continued, looking back at the evil looking cover “dang, i was kind of hoping for big bulged demons”
“Honestly me too, i feel like it would be nice to see you squirm at something too big for most to handle~” karlii teased, feeling a nagging at the back of her head, but it was easy to ignore so she continued on as if nothing was happening. “So, are you going to read through it or should we pocket it and look through the other rooms?” She asked, hoping Osi would pick the latter. now that she could see herself she could actually enjoy the investigation again
“yeah, this would take a long time to decipher, i’ll check it out later” osilai replied, slipping the tome in to her bag before looking on to the rest ot the desk, checking out the draws finding the two lower ones were locked but top draw opened easily, revealing a quill, inkwell, writing paper and a silver dagger.“huh, can i get a hand with these draws?”
“Of course!” Karlii said with a broad smile on her face. gripping the very bottom drawer and giving it a very rough yank, she unhinged the latch lock and the drawer flung open. As she looked inside she was confused as to what she was looking at, mostly because she merely glanced at it and gave Osi a big smile “See! It’s not that hard”
Osilai rolled her eyes and had a look inside the bottom draw karlii just broke, and nearly flinched at the crystal skull looking back up at her with a symbol carved in to it’s forehead. “well, isn’t that cheery?” she remarked looking around the head looking for anything else but finding nothing.

“Truly, why the fuck would someone have this in a drawer though? Like seriously that’s just a useless place to have a crystal skull!” Karlii complained at the complete lack of decor knowledge of the previous owners “Nonetheless i think we should keep this on us, it might be very useful later…. at least i’d hope. if not can i have it?”
“err, sure, why not?” osi replied, thankful not to have to carry it herself as she decided to freeze the last lock and crack open the middle draw. revealing some more mundane items, including a coin pounce with 50 cagars, and a magnifying glass. “kay… that’s less impressive” Osilai remarked, now out of draws to break as she glanced around the library. “huh, so i’m thinking business wear, large rimmed glasses and a reinforced desk, and we can have some kinky shy librarian fun~” Osilai commented wondering where she should look next. “still heavily in the darkness with this manor” she continued, to as she spoke, the lit candelabra with the hydra heads immediately went out.
“Kinky librarian~ I love it!” Karlii said as she saw the candelabra blow out “That’s…. strange. Osi did you feel any breeze at all?” She asked, having to hold herself back from making a childish joke that she knew wouldn’t be funny to anyone but herself. But she had to maintain her composure, especially in such a strange place like this. So she made her way to Osi, and stood in front of her, almost like a guard to her slutty queen.
osi was still transfixed on the candelabra that she didn’t notice karlli wandering around. ‘no, no i didn’t feel any wind, gag, i cant see shit now, do you have a light?“ just as osilai finished her sentence, the hydra heads lit up once more, startling the teal blood. “is some one fucking with me?” she grumbled to the either.
“I dunno? ghosts?” Karlii commented as she wandered around the library, looking for something, anything that seemed important. As she wandered through the shelves and looked over the tables, she began to wonder just what this seeming brother was used for other than the sexual ecstasy some experienced here. She wanted to find out though, just because at the very least it’s a good mystery. Her train of thought was broken though as she stumbled into a table and discovered 3 items. She read the labels ‘potion of supreme healing, oil of sharpness, and potion of cloud giants strength’, immediately she pocked them all and returned to Osi “Hey, have you found anything out yet or am i gonna have to fuck around with stuff again’
“hmmm? oh, yeah, i think so?” osilai called back, appearing from a dark corner of the library that was out of sight behind a book case, wearing a dark teal cloak that had embodied struts and webbing over the back and bridged under the arms to give the appearance of bat like wings “seems kinds fetching doesn’t it?”
“It’s edgy and you look absolutely stunning in it! I really like the little bat wing webbing stuff..’ Karlii says, examining her friend and getting closer to actually get a look at what was embodied onto the cloak. “So how well does it fit? because i can’t imagine it was made for someone of your body type~”
“hmm, its a little loose, and baggy, but nothing a trip to my sewing machine wont fix~ might make some additions, like some leather strapping in the lining~” osilai replied, half joking as she gave a twirl to show off
“Cute! But do you think that’s all this library has to offer for now? Because there is one more room in this hallway, and i don’t mind staying here too much~” Karlii said as she looked Osi up and down, wishing she got a cool cloak like that internally
“well, i think this might be it for now, though i could spend a long time here exploring these books, but we have more weird house to look though.. i guess onward then?” osilai replied, gesturing for karlii to lead the way. still loving how this cloak felt to wear and all the possibility’s that came to mind with her fashion sense.
Karlii nodded at her friends request to lead the way, she approached the final door in the hall and took an apprehensive breath. After all who knows what shit show this next room could hold after everything that the previous rooms had. But she pressed on, making sure Osi was at her back just to make sure she wouldn’t be fucked up. “You ready? because i’m a little nervous”
“ready!” osilai replied, holding out a hand to ready a blast of cold at anything that might move as Karlii opened the door. revealing another bed room. This room contains a bed, dresser and chair, all of unremarkable quality. The item of furniture that captures your attention is the ornate chest resting in the northwest corner. It appears to be made of wood of a reddish hue and is bound in copper. The motif of a hoof beast is carved into the lid. “oooh, score again, wonder what’s in that?” osi cheered, pointing a cold finger towards the chest
Karlii visibly relaxed, as she stood straight again and walked towards the chest, examining the carving quality and the fact that her eyes were not deceiving her, those were hoofbeasts on it. “I dunno, i guess the only way to find out is to open it!” She said enthusiastically, however before she did she didn’t want any funny business, so she inspected the box for any traps or bullshit that would harm her if she opened it right now
Osilai followed suit behind the visibly stronger troll, wanting to see what this ‘brothel’ as they have taken to calling this manor, what would be in such an extravagant box? however, as she made her way to the box, a wave of nausea over took her. As the dizziness passes she looked in amazement at her surroundings. The chest, which was two feet in height, now stands at over twenty feet tall. In fact, the entire room has grown. The twenty feet from one wall to the other now spans over two hundred. Movement beneath the bed caught her attention as a giant centipede skitters into view. It stared at her through stygian eyes as its antennae twitch in excitement at the prospect of an easy meal. “oooooh shit…..”
As Karlii watched the room grow many many times over she immediately got into a defensive position. As she looked in the darkness under the bed, she watched a gargantuan centipede skitter its way out from the shadows. Without hesitation she ran towards it, unsheathing her great axe she swings violently at it, getting a very visibly powerful hit in as the bug recoils in pain at the sudden inclusion of a great axe in its abdomen. She yanked the blade out of it’s body as fast as she could, retreating to a safe distance, or at least what she considered to be a safe distance
the Centipede let out a chittering shriek as it lashed out at the six inch tall blue blood as she darted away after leaving a deep gash in one of its segments, leaving a trail of yellow bug blood in the wake of its new axe wound. missing her tiny axe maiden by inches as she rolled away get some room distance. osilai was shaken out of her momentary surprise at karlii’s sudden attack and decided to join in the assault, holding out an outstretched hand to let out a ray of frost, aiming at its mid section in order to cause the bug to snap in half. at least that was her plan, except that she was still wearing the new cloak from the library and didn’t account for the loose fitting sleeve that extended over her hand, that once she let fly the blast it caught on her robe and doubled back on the teal sorceress, snap freezing her arm in the back lash.
“HOLY FUUUUCK!” Osilai cried as she fell back, holding her right arm, the cloak sleeve wreathed in cold mist and frost that betrayed the ice that it held with in as she fell back in pain.
the centipede didn’t take much notice of the fallen miniature teal blood as it lunged for the blue blood in rage, however the large wound hindered its attack as it fell short and stabbed the wooden deck in front of Karlii. with its mandibles.
Karlii watched at her friend practically killed herself with the ray of frost. While her attention was away from the beast she heard a sickening sound as the centipede narrowly missed her, it’s mandibles leaving a visible mark on the floor. She can’t believe her eyes as she looks at the ugly bug. She instinctively dodged to the bug’s right in an attempt to draw it’s attention away from her friend. All the while she was screaming at it “OVER HERE FUCKER!!! LOOK AT ME BITCHFACE”
the distraction seemed to work as the insect launched its self at Karlii once more, trying to take a bite out of her midriff. while osilai, on the other side of the skittering insect held out her left unfrozen hand in a desperate act to help her friend. “HAVE SOME OF THIS ASSHOLE!” she cried, making sure to roll up her sleeve this time as a stream of cold air blasted forth and struck the imposing insect in the back mid launch, seizing its segments so it missed its target once more and crashed on to the hard wood floor, this time however, the centipede shattered on impact and scattered chunks of bug across the floor. “OH YEAH! FUCK YOU!!!” osilai called in pained joy, falling back as she nursed her arm
“HOly shit Osi!!! You shattered the ugly fucker!!!” karlii cried out in joy as she immediately rushed to her friends’ aid “Is there anything I can do to help ? You seem to have really hurt yourself bad…” She said, stating the complete obvious. However she wasn’t primarily thinking about first aid or comfort, she knew her friend was safe, but she was worried about how they were going to get to normal size again! Being 6 inches is NOT appealing, she has decided.
Osilai stayed on her back for a moment, looking at the ceiling that seemed like it was miles away now. rubbing her arm for warmth as she contemplated her predicament. “yeah, i’m fine, though i’m gonna have to take it easy so i don’t smash my arm like that centipede” she started, letting out a groan as she spoke, betraying her tough act. “you know… i think there is a kink that involves 6 inch tall trolls… i cant think what its called right now though…“ she added with a chuckle
“Yeah you’re right in that regard, just be extra careful ok? As for that kink, i mean i think it needs someone to be like normal size, and that;s when things get a bit weird…. but i digress i think it’s called like Microphillia?” Karlii said with a smile as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around Osi’s waist, as gently as she can she helped bring her friend up to her feet, trying to minimize pain in what is honestly a bit of an over reactionary way. “
Osilai leaned in to her friend as she got to her feet, thankful of the help. “might help if we left the room, if this is anything like the invisible cupboard, then what made us small will keep us this way while we are in here” she said thoughtfully, pointing towards the door that was now a rather large trek in their current size. “hmmm, if its a device that’s causing this, i want it… for research” she added with a sly grin, masking her pain with levity
“I would be open to help you find that~” Karlii said as she began to walk towards the door with her right arm around Osi’s waist as to support her and make sure that she’s gonna be fine walking. “You know, disregarding the obvious very kinky things you could do with a device like that, i feel like this could be fun too, like you could possibly make like a legit water park in like a bathroom sink, but at the same time right now i’m not a fan of being this size” Karlii thought out loud as the realized just how long she would be walking.
Osilai chuckled. “yeah, this might take a while” she muttered, cracking small jokes as the two tiny girls walked for then next 10 minuets across the bedroom to the threshold of the door. “… and that’s when i told him, that’s no hoof beast, that’s my matesprit!’ ” osi said, with a chuckle, passing the time with another joke
Karlii laughed, after all how couldn’t she! But that wasn’t the point now as they stood in front of the threshold “Are you ready Osi? Because i sure as fuck am! I really really hope that its just a field for this room, because if not this’ll really really suck.” She said with a smile as she decided to at least have a little humor about her as she decided to hoist up Osi to hold her horizontally and carry her bridal style across the threshold
Osilai let her self be carried across the thresh hold, suppressing a giggle at the notion of being coddled like this, as most time, osilai was the on being the dominant partner in this little relationship. as the two girls crossed the now 5 foot wide thresh hold, osilai closed her eyes in anticipation for the result, hoping that something might happen. when she opened her eyes again however, Karlii has stopped on the other side, and they were still tiny.
“FUCK!” Karlii cried out as she still held osi, pulling her closer a bit as she kicked the massive wall in front of which, which was really just crown molding. She was unable to do anything but just get angry, as she was really and truly hoping that the device was contained to that room alone. But she wasn’t surprised, as she did become invisible for a prolonged amount of time
“crud, well… errr. hmmm” Osi started, racking her mind on what they could try, Karlii kicking things would certainly count as an attack, so that ruled out this being like invisibility. i don’t know what we could try next…
“Well what else magic bullshit is there…. also sorry about that hun” karlii said, trying to not be so loud as she had just screamed in Osi’s ear, and that isn’t the most pleasant thing that anyone could’ve done”
osilai rubbed her ear in a mocking fashion, “oh, i’ll make you scream more later, i assure you” she replied. booping karlii on the nose before going back to trying to puzzle out how this spell might function. did they need to go back to the library? that would be next to impossible to look though in their current state.
“How do you know i won’t make you scream either~” Karlii said giving Osi a wink as she placed her friend down on her butt up against the crown molding and took a seat beside her “God this house SUCKS”
“you know who else sucks?…” osilai teased, though she was cut-off by a familiar dizzy spell that over came her and the manor began to shrink down. the room hurtling down towards them as the walls closed in before stopping suddenly.
“Well that’s one problem fixed” Karlii said, giggling a bit before kneeling down again and lifting osi, this time she set her sights toward the bedroom at the end of the hall “lets get some rest,at this point i really need it before i deal with more magic bullshit”
“When i wake up, i have some ideas on how to recover the magic or the device, just remind me about it”
“kay, sounds like a good idea, that will give me some time to thaw out my arm” Osilai murmured as she was set down on the crimson bed. ‘wow this is so soft…’ she thought, feeling the soft fabric beneath her fingers as she bounced testingly on the bed. “i’ll be sure to remind you then if you have any ideas”
Karlii chose to sleep in the bed next to Osi, and without hesitation flopped on it, placing her head gently on the pillows “These are…. so comfortable” she sighed as she crawled under the sheets and began to realize just how exhausted she was for some reason
‘wow, must be some cleaning magic a work here?’ osilai thought as she glanced glanced at the sheets first before joining her friend under the covers and sighed happily. ‘if my arm wasn’t messed up if love to dirty them with you~’ she thought to her self, knowing if she did say that, karlii might act on it, and that might not be the best way to rest right now.
“you’re such a tease osi~” Karlii said as she turned to face her friend “Though you are right, with your arm all fucked up i don’t think you’d enjoy it as much as i would~” She continued as she closed her eyes and began to really rest
Osilai had to do a double take on weather or not she was speaking her thoughts… but decided she was too tired to work it out right now and fell asleep for then next 8 hours
Karlii was confused as to why Osi didn’t respond, but her exhaustion finally took over and she fell asleep for 8 hours as well
To be Continued.