Transcribed RP using D&D rolls and rules between Osilai and Karlii
Osilai and Karlii exploring a seemingly insane manor
Pairings: Osilai/Karlii
Summary: After Osilai’s Run in with the oversized occupant of the bathroom, the adventure continues
Warnings: Pregnancy, sex talk, no sex scenes this time
all the juicy details below the cut~
it wasn’t until osilai was mostly cleaned up that she managed to break out of the haze of white fog that enveloped her mind and return to the waking world, and to all of the aches and pains that tormented her that was once hidden by euphoria. “uuuuhhhg, everything hurts…” she mumbled looking down at her swollen belly, which some how seemed smaller then when karlii dragged her in here. “i cant seem to get a break can i?” she continued looking up at karlii
“No you can’t honestly. Also do you want to birth the insane amount of eggs, or do you want to maybe have me help you get them out. Because jesus you have a metric fuckton of eggs in you” She said, helping rub off the filth that covered her friends face “Do you need a break? r do you wanna keep moving because of what happened”
osilai looked down at her large belly and sighed. “not the first time ive had this, gimmie a moment and i’ll be on my feet, gotten kinda use to this weight ever since i got Grew in my life” osilai grumbled as she struggled to her feet, using her psionics to ice over her own mind to sober up, a little party trick she learnt in order to drink a shit tone of alcohol
“Was this your first croak beast experience?” Karlii asked, finding it hard to believe that the croak beast wasn’t the first to breed Osi. But as she watched the last of the filth on Osi’s face disappear, she smiled. “I’m lucky to have made it out, a ghost with a… really good cock pretended to be you”
“yeah, that was my first, the only egging creature i’ve had before was little grew, my tentacle friend you made me take from you” osilai replied splashing a little more water on her face to wake up and looked back to karlii. “oh? is that what took you so long to find me? getting lucky with some spooks?”
“Well i thought it was you, i woke up with it wanting to take me. It imitated you perfectly, and then i realized too late. I was dripping ectoplasm for a bit” Karlii said, feeling her face get warm as she realized how she may have been used as a ghostly cocksleeve
“your kidding me right?” Osilai sniggered, looking at her friend with a sly smile as she looked around for her discarded clothes at the foot of the bed, sighing with relief that they were here and she didn’t take them to the frog “so was my ghostly double any good?” osilai asked, pulling on her underwear, her pants and shirt, which sat above her belly as it was unable to pull over and fastened her new cloak
“The cock was good, the flair gave it away though. But yeah it was no joke, but it couldn’t compare to you. You’r knowledge of my body and all your tech is way better than some fuckin ghost” Karlii said with a broad smile as she watched Osi get dressed. Realizing she still needs to fix herself up. She grabbed her shirt and haphazardly threw it on,, along with a pair of short shorts she brought along
“good, id have to kick someone’s ass if they were better then me” osilai snickered back as she felt her belly rumble, more out of hunger then her new cargo that was still settling. “i think we should look for the kitchen, see what we can find for breakfast before we go back to searching for the hive deed” osilai thought aloud as she straightened her loose cloak and put on her pack once more to resume exploring, all the while thinking about how to deal with that croak beast that had made the bathroom its paling pit.
“I can go for some food yeah” Karlii said, but not before wanting to leave any room unexplored “That bathroom was the last thing right? like theres no other rooms on this god forsaken floor” The blueblood asked as she decided if she wanted to go for the unbuttoned pants look or if she should just button up her booty shorts… she went with the former.
Osilai scratched the side of her ear as she thought about it, remembering what she saw on the way to the bathroom. “hmmm, no, there was another room off the bathroom, and another door at the end of the bathroom hall” she replied looking at the unbuttoned pants and resisted the urge to mage hand them down “there is also the chest in the other bedroom”
“you’re right. Do you have string about you? I think if i tie it around your miniaturized waist if something went wrong i could pull you all the way back out without harming you” Karlii said, offering a possible solution “After all the shrinking seems fun:’
“go back in to that room and be shrunk again?” osilai asked with a critical eyebrow “fuck you!” she added, not liking the idea of fucking with that magic again. “better idea, why not use the rope and arrow again to shoot the chest and drag it back?” she asked. offering a better solution in her opinion.
“I mean… listen i never said it was a golden fuckin idea god damn” Karlii retorted “but that is a significantly better idea. Would you like me to do the honors?” Karlii asked as she grabbed her crossbow from her bag and readied it with a bolt, preparing for Osi to hit her with another remark
“i… dont know how to use a crossbow” osilai replied, a little sheepishly gesturing to her to take point
“That’s fine, i’ll take point as usual then” Karlii said, trying not to be rude to her friend even though she wanted to laugh really really badly. So with confidence she walked to the threshold of the shrinking room and without hesitation aimed and fired at the chest
“wow, great shot!” osilai exclaimed, as the sound of broken glass echoed through the manor as the bolt flew through the window. in addition to the bad shot, karlii had also failed to tie the rope to the bolt so the rope still sat at her feet
“Well i have more bolts! Time for take two!” she said with a smile as she loaded up another bolt, aimed, and fired
this time the bolt hit the chest and embedded deep, while the rope stayed held tight to the bolt
Karlii gave the rope a tug, but due to being too cautious she didn’t move the chest a single centimeter
Osilai gave a nod thinking Karlii was just testing it and decided to help out, adding her strength to the job as they dragged the chest to the door from across the room. causing a scrapping sound from wood grinding on carpet. “hah, finally got you!” Osilai exclaimed as the chest hit the threshold
“Don’t just wait around! Open it!…. wait no. Use your knowledge of all things bullshittery and see if the chest has anything weird going on with it” Karlii suggested as she realized what fresh hell could be in the box
Osilai tentatively opened the chest, trying to be careful of traps, but luckily there seemed to no shenanigans this time. and inside the girls found a small pouch of 100 cagars and another crystal skull, this with a mark that looked like the other, etched in the forehead

“the hell?, found another one” osilai murmured, now holding the ornament.
“Oh great, we have TWO skulls now! Do you think we collect all of them?” she asked, laughing a bit as she began to think of what these could be used for.
“maybe we send them in the mail with some box tops for prize?” osilai offered as she dropped the skull in her pack and tossed karlii half the cash
Karlii caught the skull and tucked it into her bag “So wanna look whats in the room next to the croak beast’s room?” Karlii asked “That is… if you can resist the urges there”
“hmm, i cant recall if i know anything about gient frogs… sorry, but i dont think that big guy is going to make things easier for us, the other room at the end of the hall might be a better choice” osilai reasoned thoughtfully
“That’s what i meant, also i’m a fuckin idiot why would i know anything about frogs?” Karlii asked, shrugging and going to the hallway where she first heard the commotion the beast created. She immediately rushed to the door that was 100% NOT the bathroom and waited for her friend to join her
Osilai paused for a moment at the bathroom, rubbing her engorged belly and feeling a shiver run up her spine before pressing on to the next door with karlii, pushing thoughts of that monstrous cock out of her mind and opened the door, finding them selves in a new chamber. This well-lit chamber is the master bedroom of Manor. The light is coming from a glass sphere sitting on a dresser. Inside the sphere appears to be a fiery inferno. There is a large bed adorned with furs and a high backed chair with a battle scene between elves and goblins carved into the wood. “another bedroom?” Osilai asked stepping inside, her hand held out to blast what ever shenanigans came their way this time

Karlii walked into the room, as her eyes looked over every facet available for her to see, she was in awe “FUck man,…… i want all of this stuff” she said, keeping her guard up as she walked closer to the flaming orb
“holy shit what is this thing?” She asked looking at it curiously, craning herneck around it to make sure she isn’t seeing things
osilai drew close as well, peering in to the glowing orb, examining it critically before drawing away. “what insane person uses a fucking fireball as a nightlight?” she exclaims in shock. “what ever you do, don’t break it unless you want to take the whole room with you!” she warned
“…. wanna throw it out the window and see how far it goes? It’s raining so the fire wont spread too far” Karlii joked “But for real lets leave it here for the time being” Karlii said, as she looked over “oh shit another door, wanna take a peeksies”
“err, given how this house seems out to get us.., might be a better idea to save it if we need it” osilai mentioned cautiously before moving on to the other door with karlii to take a look. “why not? i think its a walk in wardrobe” she added pulling open the door Opening the door to this closet the girls see that it is empty bar a pile of dozens of gemstones sitting on the floor.
Karlii almost found herself grabbing them, but realized that this building most likely had some fuckin stupid trick behind this. “Hey Osi, could ya do me a favor and try to tell if there’s any magic bullshit going on with this pile? I really do not want to get fucked by it”
“can do i guess?” osilai replied as she cast detect magic to see if the gem pile would glow for her to reveal any magic… a feat that osilai wasn’t able see as in her eyes, the whole room lit up with various areas of glowing magic, something that blinded Osilai and caused her to fall over in shock as she rubbed her pained peepers as she waited for the world to come back in to focus.
Karlii immediately rushed to Osi’s side and knelt down “Are you ok? What did you see!?” Karlii asked, hoping her friend was ok and didn’t get concussed by a blast of something.
“gah, shoulda seen that coming… the whole house is filled with magic that using the detect magic spell lights up dam near everything” osilai grumbled as her vision came back, albeit with a few spots akin to welders flash. “but to answer your question, no, the gems are not magic…” she sassed through shielded eyes as she turned off the spell.
Karlii anxiously went to grab the gems, but looked around the room in fear of what was going to happen next as she expected something absolutely fucking terrible to end up happening to her
the gems sat there menacingly, doing nothing and were completely with out magic as Karlii scooped up about 2 dozen small gems off of the floor.
“you getting scared there” osilai chuckled, now sitting on the bed as she rubbed her eye and peered at the skittish karlii through her spotty vision
“Yeah a bit, i don’t wanna have any magic bullshit fuck me over” She said, “Sorry about that again” she said, “do you want me to lead you to the kitchen as you regain your vision” Karlii suggested, grabbing Osi’s hand
“Sure, i can see now, its just a little spotty” osial replied taking karlii’s hand, getting up while supporting her back and following along as she took a mental note of that glass fire ball in the corner, still a little unnerved that it sat there in the room
Karlii smiled “We’re going to go down stairs, just give me the go when you’re ready. Hop on my back to make it easier” Karlii offered with a dumb smile as she led Osi to the staircase
“kay!” osi called out childishly, as she jumped on to Karliis back, not being one to pass up jumping on her friend
Karlii smiles, and secures her best friends legs around her chest, and began to walk down the stairs, being careful as to keep balance
Osilai enjoyed the ride back past the frog room, which stopped her from giving in, to meet the frog again, but she did give a little whimper as they passed and walked down the servants stairs that seemed to open up in to the kitchen. This room once served as the manor’s kitchen. The room has several work tables and a large fireplace dominates the northern wall. There is a large collection of cooking utensils and pans. A row of clay jars rests on a shelf along the south wall. Sitting on the largest of the tables is a wooden bowl containing three oddly colored apples. There is a bright blue one, a bright red one and one that is yellow. There is a narrow stairwell that leads up to the second floor and a door to the left of the fireplace that appears to lead outside. and one door that leads to the central hallway.

Without hestitation, Karlii heads into the kitchen. She looks around for any food that could be used for food so she could cook her friend and her a wonderful meal.
She heads to the south door, deeming it the pantry, she planned to make a nice, sophisticated, steak and potatoes dinner for her and the woman on her back “You know, if you weren’t here i’d make some bullshit but i have to treat you well dear’

“sounds nice dear” osilai chirped back, as karlii opened the door in the east wall of the kitchen and discover an impenetrable darkness beyond. “oh goodie, the lights are out…” osilai groaned, peering in to the darkness
“well shit… can you cast anything to light this up?” She asked, backing out of the pantry so that she wouldn’t get abused from behind
Osilai slipped off of her friend and stat down as the kitchen table in the middle of the room, where she reached in to her dungeoneers pack and tossed karlii a portable mini lamp “dont really need magic for this” she replied, with a smile
Karlii just barely caught the lamp, and turned back to the pantry. She turned the dial on the base, and the light flickered on “Thank you hun” She said, going back into the seemingly impenetrable darkness of the pantry
the darkness seemed to be barley pushed back by the bright light, only just illuminating the standing shelves that formed rows and columns in the room, stacked with jars and cans. not only was it dark, it almost seemed to be quieter in the pantry.
As Karlii walks forward, she notices something move in the shadows. She can’t seem to focus on it as it dashes deeper into the darkness. As she walks deeper into the pantry, she went to turn around but the area behind her seemed to be enveloped in darkness. strange. As she looks along the shelves she found a sack of potatoes and some pork sausage and two steaks along with something more curious, another one of the crystal skulls, however this one had a health potion in it.

osilai frowned as she watched karlii vanished in to the darkness, noting the magical nature of the darkness as she looked around the kitchen to see what else might be around here while her friend went spelunking. searching around the cupboards, but all she seemed to find was some jars of rice and flour “huh.. not stale… kay then” she mumbled to her self as she rubbed her bloated belly in
the darkness however, karlii, finding some better luck in her search, that thing she noticed took advantage of her split attention and closed in behind her, the sound of heavy breathing announced its presence as she was grasped from behind as a familiar voice whispered to her “gotcha~” osilai’s voice whispered in the darkness…
Karlii hears the impostor ghost’s voice again, and without hesitation she begins to run. She feels it’s grasp break as she sees the doorway seem to reappear as the darkness parts and she sees the kitchen again “NOT AGAIN FUCKER” she shouted, out of breath and staring at the pantry. “Osi, that fuckin ghost dick is in there! AND i found a skull” She said with a smile, proud she escaped the ghosts’ grasp
Osilai sat at the table, looking at the odd coloured apples, as Karlii burst though the darkness loudly. Surprising the pregnant teal blood as she did, but not as surprising as Karlii burst through the darkness a second time “Cooor! What the hell is up with that darkness…. the fuck?” the second karlii exclaimed, looking between osilai and karlii. “oh fuck me in the ass….” osilai groaned, seeing the new level of fuckery before her
“osi, you should know by the general cluelessness of this IMPOSTER that i’m real. Please. Believe me” Karli plead “remember how i told you there was a ghost thing with the flared cock, it’s this ghost fucker”
“oh hell no, your not shifting that shit on to me! ghost bitch!” the other exclaimed, also pleading with osilai with the same sincerity. “fuuuuck, can we just have a normal moment please?” osilai grumbled, stareing down the two trying to think about how to find out which was the real karlii “ok… how did i get pregnant?” she asked, watching intently” “easy, you fucked a big old frog!” the second karlli chirped in quickly,
“Fucked the bathroom frog, next question” She asked, looking at the other and balling her fists up
“Osi! This is a doppelganger, you can’t think about the answer at all. This thing reads minds” Karlii explained, to a probably knowing Osi “It’s bullshit and it’ll cheat whatever way it can!”. She knew she probably was too late as she felt the color drain from her face.
“nuuuuuu she is the doppelganger!” the other karlii cried back, giving osilai some pleading eyes “doppelganger you say?” osi remarked, rubbing her temple, realizing this would be a lot harder to work out. “you know, there are so many things i could do with two of you… but now is not the time” osilai thought aloud, feeling her belly growl with its heavy load. “well questions are out… and im out of ideas on how to tell you apart”
“Fuck…the only idea i have is you know my body really well so any discrepancies would be easy to tell….” She said “but then again it might just try and do something … wait” Karlii stopped herself, dropped to her knees and went to undress the doppelganger.
“fuck you DONT TOUCH ME SKANK!” the other karlii cried jumping back at karliis grabby hands as she brought down her own battle axe at the kneeling girls head, in one fluid action from her back
she seemed to have jumped back too far how ever, as the axe slammed in to the floor infront of the kneeling karlii”ooohhh, fuck… “ osilai groaned, getting up off her stool reading her hands to cast spells again
Karlii scrambled back and backed up as far away as she could away from the doppelganger. For once she was happy she didn’t undress first, she took out her own battleaxe, and readied herself as she realized she was going to have to fight this thing. “Does that explain that it’s not me!?” Karlii asked, hoping that the question was a rhetorical yes
“that is such a lie you doppelganger! your such a bad copy that your first instinct is to strip some one naked!” she called out as she swung her axe again this time catching karliis side and burying it in deep
“whoa!!” oailai called out, aghast that this spiralled in to lethal violence already, and deemed that such a vicious attack was not inline with her friends character so she must be the doppelganger. rising her hand, osilai summoned a powerful amount cold air that formed a crystal of ice and launched it at the more aggressive karlii, slamming in to her chest with an explosion of ice that tore in to her armor and forced her to stagger back, puling her blooded axe from the real karliis side.
Karlii felt the axe lodge itself in her side. She looked up at the blade and then the doppelganger, realizing that she only had one shot to kill the fucker. She reached back and grabbed the handle of her axe, and in what she thought would be her very last action, she swung it with every ounce of her remaining strength. She watched as she lodged the blade in the creature’s side, watching as it dug deeper than it’s own blade in hers. She then watched as it collapsed, and leaned liply backwards. “I uh… i don’t feel great…”
seeing the aggressive Karlii go down, osilai rushed to her side, placing a firm hand on her friends bloody wound. “shit, karlii, stay with me!” she called, looking for options to staunch the bleeding, a table cloth or tea towel… anything
swiping a rag off the table osilai pushed the cloth on to the wound to hold it tight and stem the tide of blood.
Karlii felt the blood trickle out of her as she looked down at the axe blade again. She closes her eyes as her vision gets a little blurry “Jesus fuck dude, that thing hurts.”She said, coughing a bit as Osi made a makeshift tourniquet and helped the bleeding to stop “thank you…” She said, trying to get up but failing to do so
“easy, easy” osilai cooed, helping her friend to lean on a cupboard to rest, before looking back at the doppelganger that hat dropped its guise and was now the shape of a pale slender man with an impossibly thin and lanky figure and no clothes, even the ave has since disappeared. “just take a rest while i look for better options…”
“I, i think i have an idea” Karlii said, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out a small health potion, the one from the crystal skull she pocketed. She raised it to her lips and practically chugged the potion. She coughed as she felt her wounds begin to heal slightly, not close up and heal completely, but healed up enough so that she could move and not cough up blood at a moments notice.
osilai gave a sigh of relief as she slumped down next to her friend to take a rest as the potion did its work, takeing a moment to reflect on the large belly she now bore for about ten minuets as karlii recovered, thinking about all the experience they had gained in the short time they had been trapped in this house so far.
“well, at least i know i picked the right one to help out…” osilai added in grim recognition of the now dead creature on the other side of the room
To Be Continued…