Transcribed RP using D&D rolls and rules between Osilai and Karlii
Osilai and Karlii exploring a seemingly insane manor
Pairings: Osilai/Karlii
Summary: the Girls faced a Doppelganger in the pantry last time, which left them more than a little worse for wear.
Warnings: Pregnancy, Non Con, Tentacle sex, Monster Sex, Roper
all the juicy details below the cut~
“well, at least i know i picked the right one to help out…” osilai replied in grim recognition of the now dead creature on the other side of the room.
“Thanks for believing me by the way” she said, leaning onto Osi “So uhh, hows the whole ‘frog cumdump/eggbearer’ thing goin for you?” She asked, trying to lighten the mood as she looks at osi’s comparatively massive stomach. “And uhh, thanks for having my back even when you could’ve left….”
“well, could be worse… not sure how, but it could be..” osi replied evenly, sill unsure how she felt about the added baggage and defilement of her supposed dignity. and i couldn’t really leave you if i wanted to, there is still a pissed off horn beast outside that still wants a piece of us.“ she added, reminding her friend why they hadn’t booked it from this mad house yet.
“Thats….. a fair point.” Karlii replied, as she thinks for a moment “You know, I think this place has potential…. assuming we can purge it of all this weird shit” She says thoughtfully, staggering to her feet and taking slow, careful steps.
“yeah, it seems to be growing on me as well…” osilai chuckled back as she heaved her self to her feet once more, getting ready to help her unsteady friend should she need it. “you gonna be ok?”she asked, seeing that that potion was doing wonders to seal that wound. might be a wise idea to find out was in that potion and recreate it on mass…
“Yea i think so. Do we have enough food to make a meal right now, because i don’t want to go back into that hellish pantry” Karlii asked, as she thought of what she personally brought back before killing the monster that had creampied her earlier in the day
“didja grab anything from the pantry last time?” osilai queried, not recalling karlii busting out of there before holding any food when the doppelganger followed her. “if we don’t im sure we have some old ration packs in my modus some where….” she consoled her friend with a smile “if you still too scared of the dark that is~” she added cheekily
“I’m not scared of the dark!” Karlii said, getting up and marching her way to the darkened pantry. She took a moment before walking into the pantry and looking around once again, hoping this time to get food to cook for her and her lover of a best friend
Osilai figured what ever was in there was just food now, if there were more creatures in there, they would have come out during the fight to mess up their day. “good luck in there!” she called back as she knelt down to inspect the doppelgangers corpse, looking for clues on just what it was, and to tickle her own curiosity about how that disguise trick worked.
in the dark room however, it was still deathly quiet, but fortunately there were no more surprises for the shaken fighter.
As Karlii looked through the pantry. She did her best to look for two 14 oz. steaks, some potatoes, and maybe some wine or any sort of alcohol, to help wash down the food and to use to dull the horror of what just attacked them, but not enough to get too crazy.
the pantry seemed to be well stocked, and almost untouched by rot or spoil, so finding what she needed wasn’t and issue, outside of how dark it was in the pantry.
osiali for her part investigated the dead creature, making some headway with her impromptu research, seeing some interesting things to research further that she made a mental note to take this back to her lab at the shop to investigate further.
Karlii took it all in her arms and did her best to get out without dropping anything, as she very cautiously walks into the kitchen again, she sets them down on the counter and prepares herself, scanning the counter for any knives or cooking utensils
there were plenty of knives and utensils laying around near the clay pots, which after rolling the creature in to a corner, osilai decided to take another look at those pots to see what might be hiding inside.
all that seemed to be in the pots however were a lot of grain and rice, staple food mainly and nothing terribly exciting
As Osi finishes looking around, Karlii begins to cook. As she is about to start cooking the steaks, she goes back into the pantry to get various herbs and spices. She then returns, with an armful of them and gets to work seasoning the Steaks. Once she finishes that, she begins to heat up the pan to cook the steaks. While she waited she made tiny incisions in the potato before cutting tiny bits of butter and inserting them in
“smells good love~” osilai commented, sitting down at the table where she took notice of the oddly colored fruit in the bowl. “huh, yeah, best not eat those…” she added pointing at the yellow apple
“Well probably, i wouldn’t trust any fruit… not only because it tastes like shit but also because we don’t know what magic shit there is” Karlii said, placing the potatoes in the same pan as the steaks
As Karlii goes to look at the pots that her friend had been pausing attention to earlier, she knocked one over… and caused a chain reaction that knocked every last pot down. When the dust cleared, a ring sat atop the pile. Karlii grabbed it and took a moment to look at it “oh shit”
Osilai didnt notice the ring as fast as karlii, she was still gobsmacked at how much chaos karlii just unleashed on the kitchen as rice and flour spilled on the floor, stretching right under the table she was sitting at. “well nice one clutz” she scolded, looking at her friend with a raise eyebrow. “your cleaning that when were done here”
“I know, but look at this thing!” she said, showing Osi the ring. “I mean we found this thing. So a win for sure!” she said with a smile as she looked at it “Do you know what this *thing * is”
“pass it over then, lemmy see” osilai replied with a sigh, noting to bring this up later as she held out her hand
Karlii handed her friend the ring, wondering what it had in store
osilai held it out for a sec to look at what she could see, but there went any markings to tell her if there was any magic to it before tossing it back. “try it on, i cant tell from sight” she replied
karlii caught the ring, and anxiously she decided “fuckit” and put the ring on and braced herself for whatever happened next
as karlii put on the ring, she felt as though she was a little tougher, more resilient, like she could take on more hits with this ring on.
Karlii breathed a sigh of relief as she felt hardier “Well that could’ve been Much worse….. thank god it wasnt”
As she moved onto the next thing, she noticed that the steaks her finished, and so were the potatoes. So she turned the heat off, and found 2 plates for her and osi along with 2 sets of utensils. She then does a little twirl and places the utensils and plate down in front of Osi “here you go my dear”
“cheers, looks delicious” osilai thanked her, taking up some utensils to eat as she pondered the lack of effects from the ring “i guess the house felt like throwing you a bone… id ask for a bone for myself but i think it already gave me one.” she added, rubbing her belly as she ate
“I mean i could always give you another one? i mean after all those are frog eggs” She said, justifying her somewhat offensive comment…. “Anyway thank you! Honestly i took a few cooking classes and just… really like cooking now” She said, a broad smile on her face as she began to eat the meal she had served a bit too hot.
Osilai glowered a bit at that comment as she ate, “well speaking of the frog man, i think we need to go back in there later. could of sworn i saw one of those skulls in the tub. they seem to be a set for some reason…” she said thoughtfully.
“I mean, do you think you’ll lust after its cock again? because i don’t want to have to save you and clean up your snot again ” She said teasing osi as she continued to eat
“honestly, i dont know, that’s why you would be going in. not me” osilai replied curtly, not sure as to what another dose of frog pheromones would do to her, but karlii seemed to shake it off at least. “but before that, maybe we should hit up this floor for a bit”
“yeah! good idea” she said with a broad smile on her face
“great, well im done here, ready when you are” osi replied, cleaning up the last of the plate and leaving it there on the table as she stood up again. readying her staff and pack.
Karlii took the plate and silverware, and brought them to the sink, giving them a rinse but leaving them in there “God so rude, cant even put your plate in the sink” Karlii teased, putting on a voice as she walked around to osi and grabbed her ass before letting go and walking around to the stairs “Want to get back upstairs ?”
“Or do you want to keep looking around down here”
“hmmm, i dont really want to trudge up those stairs right now” osilai replied, poking her tongue at that comment about the plate “besides, maybe if we give it some more time mister frog might fall asleep?”
“True..” Karlii said looking back down the hall they came from “How abouuut, you choose one 2 or 3. Then we can decide which room to go in based off of that!” she suggested, seeing the doors line the hallway.
“well lets see then” osilai replied, opening the wooden door to the central hallway of the mansion, only to be greeted by distant loud banging from the door under the stairs back in the atrium. reminding the girls why they ran upstairs in the first place.
Karlii followed through, trying not to jump at the slamming against the door “One two or three, i’ll choose which one that is from there. No cheating either” She said to Osi, being a bit coy
“fine, number three” osiali replied, rolling her eyes as the angry thing at the end of hall kept banging on the door
“So uh… bad news. Thats the one closest to the doors we came in…” Karlii said, as she began to walk towards the door
osilai hung back as karlii opened the door, peering in over her shoulder to see what lay inside. the room seemed to be a parlor room containing comfortable chairs and other fine furnishings. In the corner of the room is a large ornate vase. Up against the south wall is a matching pair of wooden chairs and a solid block table with a marble surface marked into black and white squares. Pieces have been laid out on the squares for the Game Kings & Pawns, a popular game played amongst nobility. It appears as if someone left a game unfinished. “looks cosy, but needs more stripper poles” osilai joked, glancing around.

As karlii looked over, she heard what osi said and nodded. “You’re right, it could be a very nice VIP room” she said looking around the room “But it’s definitely serviceable” she said, walking in tentatively keeping her head on a swivel
As she looked, she decided it looked fine. So she took a seat at the chessboard

the game board seemed to be mid game, with a layer of dust indicating that it had been their for a while. “do you play?” osilai asked, standing next to the board as she looked at the pieces. “hmmm, i dont think im gonna keep this in here if we make it a VIP room though”
“I haven’t played in a long time, but yes I do” Karlii responded “I mean honestly it could be a nice set piece for maybe your office? Because like, it looks kinda cool and has some practical value…. hell you can just intimidatingly make vague statements when you’re beating someone during a deal”
“huh, well maybe. but i reckon any game set id own would replace all the pieces with a anal bead, every lost piece gets shoved up ya ass.” osilai thought out loud. looking at the chess board. “that really fuck with the meta on how to win” she added, now considering putting in an order later. “so, think you could win this?” she asked, looking at the turn counter on the side, indicating that it was blacks turn.
“yeah I think so….” Karlii looked at the board, long and hard and she tried to remember how chess was played and what the win conditions were. Then it hit her all at once, she used to have a toy that taught her chess. One of the cards that explained how to win described how if the enemy king was placed in a losing position, and there is no was to counter it, then it’s a checkmate. A smirk grew on her face as she took the knight and smiled, moving it to C3, “Checkmate~ … god the horse has NEVER let me down” she mentions.
As karlii placed the chess piece down, there was a loud click as a compartment in the side of the table opened to reveal another skull with the same enigmatic symbol in the forehead. there was also a small satin bag that sat half open revealing a black pearl string of prayer beads. “oooh, score, good work love!” osilai cheered, looking in the compartment that her friend managed to open.
Karlii nodded, feeling proud of herself as she stretched. She then looked in the bag and turned to Osi “You know,,although there are prayer beads you could probably stick ’em up your ass. I know you waant to” She said giggling and looking at the pouch, trying to decide if she should take the item or not
“hmm, maybe, tho you might want to get them looked at first before any anal play, or better yet, just use some beads from the shop that are made for that. osilai replied, taking out the skull, rolling it in her hands while she glanced at the bag in karlii’s. “maybe you should take that one, i got a sweet ass cloak last time” she chuckled, dropping the crystal skull in to her bag

Karlii nodded, taking the pouch in her hands and pulling out the prayer beads and palming them. She begins to think about how the got there, and the significance of them being their. However she then diverted her attention to Osi “Did you ever figure out how it works?”
“not really, i really haven’t had a lot of time to ponder it really, mostly i think it is related to flying, but i dont know how yet.” she replied, looking thoughtfully at her cloak. they had been pretty occupied with other things that she really hadn’t had a chance to examine the cloak closer.
Karlii listened to Osi and nodded “Want to maybe try to figure it out while i try to figure out if these things even do anything?” she asked with a smile as she can’t tear her eyes away from the massive beads along the string
the quip from before about osilai sticking the beads up her ass wasn’t that far fetched with the beads in the chain sitting at about the size of large marbles, and in some lewd situation, could serve as anal beads in a blasphemous pinch. 6 of the 10 beads in the chain seemed to glow softly. “well it looks magical to me, ok, lets look these over” osi replied, deciding that it was about time that she looked at what this cloak did finally as she sat down on one of the comfortable chairs with the cloak in her hands. “dont give your self an aneurysm trying to figure that thing out ok?” she added, as she set to work
“Hey if i want to give myself an aneurysm i might as well do it looking at these fuckin things” She said, as she tried to make sense of what these beads did, as she had never seen anything like them. Her attention was caught by the glowing beads specifically, wondering what they could possibly do
osilai chuckled at that and examined her cloak over the next hour, gaining more insight on what it could do as she realized that with this cloak, she could have them become wings to let her fly!
Karlii examined and studied the beads, as she grew to understand them she became more and more enamored by their power… and she smiled. “Holy shit… these things are.. wow” she said, unable to get over the uses the prayer beads had
“humm?” osilai sounded, looking up from her cloak. “you got something over there?” she asked, putting on her cloak once more that seemed to fit a lot better now, even with her rounded belly
“Yeah.. these beads can do a lot more than pray to the gods” Karlii said “for example, i could summon tentacles from nowhere and have you fucked by them for HOURS~”
osila looked back at her friend with rased eyebrows. “your kidding right? what god do those belong to?” she asked, wondering just what fresh hell was karlii holding right there?
“I have no fuckin clue, all i know is its something powerful… and something sexual. I’m thinking a cursed god of love or something… i dunno its serious shit tho”
“do i need to confiscate that?” osilai asked warily, wondering if her friend was responsible enough to handle such an item. “or can you handle the anal beads of the tentacle gods?”
“do i need to confiscate that?” osilai asked warily, wondering if her friend was responsible enough to handle such an item. “or can you handle the anal beads of the tentacle gods?”
“listen to your self, your not gonna hold them by holding them in your ass?” osilai chuckled, stepping towards the door with her gear now more identified. “just dont blow us up with that thing, ok?” she added with a smile “where too next?”
“Uhhh how about the room right across the hall?” she asks, “And of course not… at least right now’ she said, grasping the beads and wrapping them around her neck to be a choker of sorts
osilai nodded at that and noted how the beads looked on her. “kay, lets go check it out.” osilai replied, stepping in to the noisy hallway and opening the next door in font of her. “we should do something about that thing,” she said looking back at the banging closet as she opened the door to see what was inside.
A long finely crafted dining table dominates the center of the room. Sitting in each of the eight chairs around the table are skeletal remains dressed in fine attire. Shockingly the head of each dinner guest is missing. Set out in front of each skeleton is a large plate with a dome cover. The table is also adorned with fine cutlery and two silver candelabras. On the south wall is a large painting of the full moon. on the north, a closed door .

“Wow this sure is FUCKED” Karlii says, looking at the remains sitting in the chairs as she switched from fear to intrigue “Wait who went through the effort to make these skeletons sit upright? Like honestly thats commitment” she said, realizing that her response was a lacking… something..
“i dont know, but these definitely have to go when we take over this manor.” osilai replied. taking a closer look at the headless corpses. “and no, i have no idea why this is even a thing…”
“I dunno, probably something like elaborate and shocking…” she said, placing her bag down and noticing that each plate on the Skeleton’s necks had a hole in it. realizing that the crystal skulls has a thematic connection she took one out and saw a pin rod sticking down from the center. “Bingo” she muttered, sliding the rod into place with the first skull, and it was a perfect fit. She then went to the next 3 and repeated the process, giving 4 skeletons their heads “Well… there’s that”
“so… there is a scavenger hunt for heads now?” osilai asked with a tone of annoyance, realizing this hive was huge and they found those heads all over the place. “uuuhg, fine, lets keep an eye out then” she added, picking up one of the silver dome covers “so whats for dinner?” she wondered as the cover came up, revealing another skull.

“Hm…. ok then” She said, honestly unsurprising at this point but happy that they found another skull “well that either means someone forgot to hide that skull… or people have been here before us..”
“might be the latter, this manors been here for a while” osilai replied, placing the skull on to another headless skeleton. “so we have three left to find… great” osilai muttered as she looked at the rest of the empty skeletons as she knew they had more rooms so look at on this floor, including the room off this one. “where should we start looking?”
“I think i spotted some doors along the sides of the entrance… lets go to one of those, preferable the one farthest from us so we can dash across the hallway and then book it up the stairs” she reasons, stretching as she gets excited
“sure, that works” osilai replied, following her friend and perpetual shield
Karlii turns to the open door, and sets her sights on the door diagonally from them, and she booked it there. Doing her best to avoid the rhino catching sight of them “Hey, i think there’s another voice bullshit thing coming on” she says rather casually, trying not to alarm osi
their was no sight of the rhino through the open hole in the door where it hit last time, but there was a lot of grass out side for it to hide in. the door under the stairs hammered more loudly as they approached, making more noise then the girls could with their speech and foot steps. “oh great, just what is it that keeps doing that?” osilai asked, more to the void since she knew karlii didn’t know.
“I dunno, but i guess i’ll find out first” Karlii said, very hesitantly as she grabs the handle. readying herself for any impact as she throws open the door and jumps back, hoping to try and get away from any possible attack, not that it will help
Osilai watched with prepared interest, readying her psionics as karlii tried to open the door under the stairs, which opened about a few inches before slamming shut. “uuuhh, wha..” osilai started, looking puzzled at the door.
Karlii looked at the door… baffled “What the – ” she said, giving another tug at the door before it slammed back once again “well… shit. Want to just try the other room and come back in a moment?” she asked, trying not to admit that she couldn’t get a good grip to pull, at least that was her excuse anyway
“uhh, sure… ” osilai replied, looking at the door wearily, concered on just what was in theie that both held the door closed and endlessly banged on the door. osilai could have also sworn she could see a fine film of slime on the door handle and leaking through the key hole
Karlii walked across the hallway, here mind on a similar subject, but with more… anxiety. She tries to ignore it as she walks over to the opposite side of the hall, and attempts to open the door, fearful that there was something similarly terrible behind the door they were about to open
Osilai also braces for the worst as the door opened to a sitting room, containing a comfortable sofa and chairs. The quality material and engraved wood mark these items of furniture to be of high quality. On a coffee table in the middle of the room is a glass decanter of glowing violet liquid. “well, at least its normal” osilai said with a sight of relief , even as her words were punctuated by thumps behind her.
Karlii nodded in agreement as she then looked to to the coffee table and was drawn in by the item. She walked closer to it, wanting to get a better look at the glowing substance she hopped over the back of the couch to get a closer look at it “Yooo, should i open this thing?” she asked aloud to her friend, wondering if her impulse was the right idea.
“why not? glowing purple drink might be a fine wine” osilai replied with a hint of sarcasm. as she looked at the fluids in the glass. “sure go ahead”
Karlii immediately took the decanter in hand and opened it, taking a whiff to try and determine what fluid was inside of it
Karlii could smell a slightly metallic scent in the decanter, indicating that it might not be wine and possibly magical
“Smells… metally?” She said, confused for a moment. She then tried to think of any magical liquid that could fit the profile, but her bewilderment was too much. instead she decided to raise the decanter to her lips and take a tiny sip, just to get some closure on the liquid
Osilai made a choking sound as she watched karlii glow brightly with a seemingly solid outline, but not just an outline of what osilai could see, but an outline with highlights of karliis nude body for oslai to get an eyeful of her friends form while she was still fully clothed “wow karlli, you ever get told not to drink strange shit?”
Karlii gagged after drinking it, though she was completely unaware of the outline that Osi saw. “I mean strange shit could mean a lot of things~” She said with a wink as she shrugged “No idea what this stuff is, but i’m gonna keep it. Tasted like shit though” she said, pocketing the decanter in her bag.
“sigh, well at least you got off easy this time” osilai replied with a slight chuckle
Karlii smiles “well, wanna go back and try that door again? maybe we each give a try before going to another room? I just can’t stand not knowing whats behind it” Karlii expressed, as she stretched and did her best to get ready for the door
“yeah, lets shut mister bangy pants up for good, i cant bloody think with that racket osilai replied, giving the room a once over look before walking back in to the entrance, seeing nothing of note
Karlii glanced around the room and then stormed over to the door, and took a deep breath and yanked at the handle. The door held, fast, and the being behind the door held faster “Well shit, your turn hun”
“ok, lets see if i can show you up~” osilai replied, putting her foot on the door frame and pulling on the handle hard. the door flung open this time knocking osilai back in supprise to reveal what was was holding it closed, and what was slapping the door. in the space of a small walk in cupboard, stood a fleshy totem pole with a wide mouth and eye, long tentacles protruded from its body which writhed and hit the walls and what would have been the closed door, assumingly so that it was holding the handle the whole the flash os light on its flesh and the scent of fertile mates, the creature became more agitated as it seemed to pull itself forward

Karlii sees the creature begin to pull itself closer to them, and takes out her greataxe, taking a vertical swing down onto it’s head, getting a deep cut in before finishing her attack, placing herself in front of her friend as a shield, as is usual
the creature shrieked and recoiled as karlii pulled back, letting osilai right her self and prepare her psionics attack,. letting loose a shard of ice that exploded in the cupboards in a hail of ice and frost causing more pain for the surprised creature.
the creature however, as battered as it looked, lashed back at both girls, catching them in its tentacles and swiftly dragged them both in, holding them before it as the tentacles coiled around their limbs. it focused its eye on karlii first, forcing her legs apart as it bit down on her shorts that tore the crotch from her garments, exposing her nook with a little blood as its teeth grazed her leg.
Karlii felt it’s razor sharp teeth tear through her pants and panties, even cutting into her leg a bit as it revealed her nook. She screeched, and began to struggle against the tentacles of the beast, wriggling her way out successfully
“holy shit! gerrroffme!” osilai cried, also trying to struggle out of her binds, to no avail as the thick rubbery tentacles held her tight. tendrils around her hands prevented her from using any offensive psionics as she struggled in the binds.
a second tendril lashed around osilai holding her more secure in its grasp as it drew osilai in to make a bite at her tight clothes, tearing away the cloth covering her crotch, leaving a few scratches in its wake. leaving the teals nook exposed before it.
“oh shi! no!”
two more tendrils lashed towards karlii again, attempting to bind her once more, but narrowly missed and failed to catch the axe wielding blue blood, causing it to screech angrily.
As karlii dodged the tendrils, she raised the axe over her head and swung down hard. She felt her blade impact the fleshy monster as she screamed out, hoping to at the very least cause the creature to weaken it’s grip on her friend, if not die.
Osilai continued to writhe fruitlessly in her binds, but in her panic, she made her self even more tangled, a loop of tentacle wrapped around her neck causing her to choke until she settled down.
the creature screeched as karlii again as it lashed at her with its tentacles again, this time not letting her get away as it wrapped its tentacles around the blue blood and restraining her arm and sweeping her legs out from under her to knock her prone.
Osilai however, with a glistening nook on display, was met with a pair fleshy tendrils that unceremoniously slid in to her nook as it began to pound her nook roughly, stretching the poor girl wide as the twins squirmed and writhed with in her.
“oooohhhhh! GOG!” osilai cried, throwing her head back in surprise.
Karlii felt the tendrils wrap around her and pin her down, she hit the ground with a thud and she was forced to watch as Osi was penetrated by the creature, realizing that… well she would be next as she couldn’t get out of the monsters grasp this time
“Ahhhh! hnnnggg, ahhhh” osilai moaned, still trying to escape, but every attempt asphyxiated her self and hastened her light headedness the writhing tentacles in her nook were thrusting with an alternating rhythm that had the amateur pornstar rolling her eyes in mind-bending pleasure as she was helplessly assaulted. Karlii wasn’t being spared the fleshy rod either as tendrils forced her legs apart as out of either spite for her attacks or due over eagerness, a pair of tendrils roughly shoved them selves deep in to her nook, stuffing her as deeply as they could with out breaking through her cervix.
She felt the tentacles writhe deep in her as she tried to escape, but the tendril’s had her held too tight and she couldn’t fight against it. However, for just one moment, she actually enjoyed the feeling. It reminded her of one of her first outside adventures with her whore of a best friend, when she got pushed into a tentacle pit and taken by the creature that lay within and impregnated. As she tried one last time to pull the tentacles off of her, she resigned to their might for the moment
with the nook breaking reaming she was receiving, osilai struggled with her tentacle captors fruitlessly as she orgasmed loudly, crying out in rapturous joy as her world seemed to fade away and the teal blood passed out in the arms of the creature from the closet.
Karlii heard her friend orgasm and pass out, and it motivated her to desperately try and escape the monsters grasp, however after failing to get out and struggling so much, she felt herself lose her strength. She then felt the monster turn it’s attention fully to her. It began to mercilessly fuck her, and soon she felt it go even deeper inside her nook. She felt it’s tendrils inside of her womb, and she couldn’t help herself. “Ahhh ahhh AHHHH~” she screamed out as she felt like it was breaking her nook and her mind. She then felt a hot liquid fill her womb, and she couldn’t help but to squeeze her thighs around the tentacles, a natural instinct as she unconsciously tried to milk it of it’s cum, She then felt her consciousness fading, as she felt nothing but the heaviness of her eyelids
the creatures invading tendrils spasmed and flexed as bulges rolled down its lengths as it flooded its captive mates with its thick loads of cum, the teal blood was already gaviid, so little changed except her belly becoming smoother, but for the blue blood, over then next several minuets, her belly grew large and ground, popping the buttons of her remaining pants and searching her shirt as she soon had a matching belly with osilai. when both girls were filled to capacity, the creature retreated back in to its cupboard, leaving the girls on the floor in the hallway as it closed the door behind it. as it did however, it knocked a crystal skull from a shelf inside, clattering it to the floor with the girls as ti locked its self away in the dark cupboard, finally becoming silent.
To Be Continued…