Full RP with @blood-soaked-garden
All the Details under the cut
The Witch of the wood had become little more than urban legend, an actual practitioner of the occult, or perhaps just a strange mutant? A ghost of a troll long passed haunting an abandoned house in the forest, maybe just some crazy troll with a particular flare for the Macabre. Of those that believed it could even be a real thing, more rumours circulated that one troll could keep track of. All that was known for sure, was that some trolls that ventured into that forest seeking out the Witch never returned… and the of the few that do return… they leave the place with strange items, bottles or crystals baring strange markings, granting them odd and mysterious powers.
The Witch was no myth, no ghoul or goblin thought up by Lusus to scare wrigglers into not venturing too far into the woods where many wild Lusus roam. A mutant.. perhaps, but by far, she was most defiantly a practitioner of the occult. A strange mind was at work beneath the quiet halls of the old blood stained house in the woods, taking a piece from those that reach from beyond the veil of understanding, and forging it into a tool for which she could use to fell more of their kind…. but for the moment, even a nearly untouchable mind like hers needed a short moment’s rest from the invading claws that would seek to tear her away from herself.
news of this witch had circulated around town with hushed tones, seemingly being some one of power you sought out when there was no other option… or you were in to creepy shit as Chirot was as she sat in an alleyway flicking over printed directions to the haunted house she had found in a recently stolen wallet, she already pocketed the money and now was looking for anything else of value, information or otherwise.
the folded hand-written instructions and marking of the occult had her attention, and the demand that a hefty tribute be brought for the witches time had her seeing cager signs.
“well, i think i just found my rent~”
she muttered with a sly grin as she tossed the wallet aside and set out for the house in the woods with pamphlet in hand and a modus full of handy burglar tools
by the time she reached the location on the map, it was well past curfew, mud clung to her boots as she pushed past the marshy swamplands as she caught sight of the hive in the distance, looking as foreboding as she imagined as she drew near
The hive was tall and strange, the outer walls of stark white and greys, like the hives one could find anywhere on Alternia, were stained in a rainbow of colors sprayed about the walls as if there were done by some mad painter… or perhaps true to the rumors, the final life essence of a troll being cut down who could not pay their due.
Otherwise there was a front door, and many windows to pick from if one so wanted to elect to try and sneak themselves in another way. But the house itself seemed to be completely silent and without a light lit for any soul at the moment.

the hive gave chirot chills, but also excitement that the rumors seemed to be vindicated, and by proxy, her imagined treasure trove.
being a lowblood, chirot crept through the darkest shadows to the hive, as was her custom, the less some one sees her, the more freedom she had to rob everyone blind.
“hmmmm front door… ooorr…” she started, before abandoning it and leaping for the slight outcropping and the walls to climb up to a upper window to try and pry it open with her thin pry bar while hanging from the window.
“screw doors…”
she muttered as she tried to ease the window open
It seemed like the window wasn’t even locked, though the seal was rather flush with the window, the moment her pry bar went in, the window slid open with a satisfying slish. the room she opened up into appeared to be a large entertaining room, empty save for several chairs around the outside of the room, and a large crystalline piano set off to the left side, and a similar harp in the other side of the room. Otherwise many paintings hang on the walls with strange subjects on display.
chirot’s face lit up as she looked around, super score, this witch was certainly loaded, more then enough to pay her rent for a year and then some. looking at the pricy instruments as she made her way across the room to the door, as much as she wanted them, she couldn’t carry it out the window so she sought out smaller bauble elsewhere as she tried to reason where a witch kept her safe.
she did note the paintings and made a mental note to cut them out on the way out as she opened the door to see what lay beyond.
There wasn’t a lot in the way of small baubles one could steal here, but the room’s makeup certainly seemed to give off an air of wealth. the floors were a nicely stained hardwood, the walls free of dust and their paint, a strange dull pink color, untouched by outside elements. The door to the inner hall was also unlocked, and immediately around there were several suits of old armor from when trolls could still serve as imperial drones. true relics of a time long since passed on, and to see four of them set about as decorations, they were either perfect replicas, or perhaps someone had reached back into time to pluck these nearly priceless pieces from the past itself.
Other than that, there were more doors across the way from her, and a large stone staircase leading up and down.
Chirot resisted the urge to knock on the Armour as she realized she was going to have to search the hive with out running in to the witch, and surmised that given the hour, she hoped it was asleep and not waiting for her with a bubbling cauldron.
Deciding to start on this floor, chirot creped silently over to the door opposite the music room and tried to quietly open it to peek inside.
The room the door opened up into appeared to be an office of sorts, a large desk set to on side with several chairs set around, and if Chirot was in the market for baubles alone, then this might be a good room to stop her search in. The right wall was lined with bookcases filled with books of many types, some as simple as cookbooks, others with more… ominous titles. Some were simply untitled but bound in strange, hard leathers and dyed in darker shades of the hemospectrum. But the objects of note were setting out on a 4 foot tall shelf, separating the desk and bookcase slightly. It was lined with strange crystals and other little items that looked occult in nature, and there were several unlabeled bottles simply set about, just ripe for the swiping.
Chirot scanned the room for any sign of life before slipping in and making a bee line for the small shelf full of small items, grinning at what she perceived to be a small fortunes worth of stuff she could fence, which she quickly set to stowing in to a loot modus satchel she had slung over her shoulder. Indiscriminately placing as many crystals and bottles that she could get her hands on in to her bag before skulking to the desk and sniffed through the draws.
“heheh, lets see what other things I can find~”
She quietly chuckled, glancing at what might be in one of the bottles on the table
The desk contained a lot of papers and wrapped parcels seemingly ready to be sent away, some of which merely touching them sent a chill down the spine. In fact, touching quite a few of these items did seem to, while she was in contact with them at least, seem to momentarily fill her with a strange sense of power and dread. She did also find a simple iron key tucked into one of the drawers, but there was no hint as to what it was meant to go to.
The other bottles she could find still remained unlabeled, their contents of many odd and swirling colors drew the eye in but gave no real hint as to their purpose. A few of them where already missing their stoppers and a pungent aroma of herbs and iron would hit her nose like a baseball bat if she gave them a sniff.
“blarrggh, fuck, you could set that on fire and call it a bomb…”
Chirot blanched at the scent of the bottle and instantly put that one back on table, swiped the key as she rushed out of the room, albeit quietly, forgetting that she was now probably holding several of the potent bottle of liquid in her bag now.
Back in the hallway again, chirot looked at the last door on this for and gave it a jiggle to see if it was also open to take a peak inside.
The door opened to reveal a plain bedroom, It almost looked like what one might call a servant’s quarters, two small but nice beds were set in the rooms, a real sign on this place’s age, footlockers at their base already open and empty. These beds did appear to be slept in due to some deepset impressions on their mattresses, but there were no signs of their current inhabitants. A small side closet was fill with various cleaning supplies and the such, seemingly nothing of value to be found in here.
“huh, cant all be winners I guess…”
chirot muttered, closing the door again and finally deciding to look the stairs, and started rationalizing which direction to go, up or down?
“hmmm, where would the witch keep her best loot… hmm, maybe there is a basement?”
she wondered, creeping down the stairs to the lower level, on the look out for the hives owner, hoping that the witch was asleep on the third floor, and stayed asleep until the small thief was done cleaning them out
Heading down the larger marble staircase lead her to the main hall of the first floor, a door to her left already open to a den or talking room of some sort. Cabinets were set in two of the walls, locked and filled the the brim with various different Alcohols should one want to be so daring to unlock and steal them, as much seemed to be the case with a lot of the rest of the house, there was a large selection of old proofs that would fetch a high price.
Notably, it seemed there was a hatch not quite closed set in the corner of the room…
the small crimson blood crept in to the room to give the liquor a once over, but try as she might, she had no idea on the value of wine or which ones she could make off like a bandit with and turn in to a tidy profit. so the thief decided to leave them for the moment, to save room for something that glitters in her half full bag of loot.
“maybe on the way out~” she promised her self, as she spied the ajar hatch in the corner, and slunk her way over to open it and peer inside.
“i think we found the way to the vault~”
Opening the hatch revealed a short set of wooden steps that lead steeply down to a stone landing, where more stone steps continued on further down… Odd sounds could be heard coming from the depths, hushed, gurgling groans, and the moans of damned souls… and a strange pink light seemed to fill the chamber below… though she couldn’t yet see its contents.
“… err.. maybe not… right, witch, i think i found the cauldron…”
Chirot murmured as she crept down the stairs, struggling to keep her self calm as her felt the rising creep factor, but drawn by her reckless curiosity as she drew closer to the light, keeping close to the side of the wall and in the shadows as best as she could. she had to see what was making this light, and steal it if she could!
The room opened up to reveal the source of the pink light. A slowly bubbling vat of pink liquid was set to the side of the room, around the room’s edge their were Statues, or, at least, what one could hope were statues, of still standing Skeletal beings, some seemed to be troll… but others were different, some taller, stretched in a disproportionate manor like someone had grabbed them at both ends and just yanked. Others were barely humanoid in shape… they all certainly looked real though, and each held strange pieces of crystal in their hands, that seemed to be reflecting the pink light from the vat, back into something that floated gently above it.
It… almost looked like a sword? It was definitely a sword, there was a handled to it, wrapped in a strange, textured leather covered in little bumps, further covered with basic cord spirals. The blade was crystalline, long and a strait, with small runes that glowed with that same pink light carved along its full length down to the part that made one question if this thing was a actual normal sword or not. The guard of the blade was a black mass with a jaw-like structure from which the blade extended, teeth held the blade firmly in place, and the black mass had small white orbs, that even though they had no discern-able pupil, Chirot could swear she felt its blind gaze staring into her soul… calling for her to free it.
Chirot’s eyes seemed to gleam in the pink light, that right there was certainly a prize to take home!
her magpie like tunnel vision for treasure seemed to have blinded her to the horrific statues that surrounded the blade, if she could see them, she might not have acted so dumbly with her next move. as she stepped in to the chamber, walking past all of the statues standing guard as warning.
it was a a very pretty sword in her eyes, so intriguing and odd, but pretty, she thought as she reached out for the hilt.
“i want this…”
she murmured, blinded by her greed and recklessness as her fingers closed around the grip.
As her fingers gripped tight around the hilt, she felt the claws of something sink deeply into her mind. The black mass sank down and eclipsed her hand and it felt like her fingers were just submerged in an acid which clung to her flesh, refusing to let go, all the while a voice rang out in her mind.
“ FOOOOLLL you are mine now. ” It felt like her hand was melting in this thing’s grasp. but try as she might she couldn’t get away. And it was starting to cause some kind of system shock, making her go numb. “ Submit your body to my will you weak lesser being, I’m going to use you to kill that Bastard Witch!!! ”
“GAAAAHHHHH!!! FUCK NUGGETS!!” Chirot cried, yanking her self away from the ice cold pain in her hand, dragging the grasping evil blade with her as she fell to the floor. She writhed on the floor trying to push the sword off her engulfed hand with her feet as the rust blood became more and more distressed at the feeling of nothingness that was her whole right arm.
“GET THE FUCK OFF ME LOOT!! YOU GO IN TO MY BAG AND LIKE IT!” she cried out at the cursed thing devouring her hand “YOUR NOT USING ME FOR NOTHIN!”
she continued, thrashing around on the floor, the sound of the blade clattering on the stone floor as she rolled fruitlessly around to shake it off
“ Oh I’ll use you good and well. First I’ll have you plunge me through that Bitch’s heart, and then I’ll use you to skull fuck her just to be safe ” The foreign voice echoed in Chirot’s mind as the numbness started to creep through the rest of her body and it stopped moving through her will… And despite the numbness, a dull thumping pain shot up her arm as nerve endings were being dissolved but this creature’s assault on her body.
chirot cried out, now laying limply on the ground as the pain overwhelmed her, to agonized to move much, but still unwilling to be eaten by her loot and be made a prize her self, with her free hand the thief fumbled for her modus. if she could get her dagger out, she could hack off the arm if she had too, and at this point it was looking like she had to.
she screamed at the blade, arching her back to reach the grub phone in her back pocket.
“ oh you’ll get yours too, after the Witch I’ll take you for a nice little joyride ” the black mass started to crawl up her hand, seeking to overtake more than just her hand. Just then, she would hear the blade gasp in her mind.
“ get up you bitch we have work to d- ” and it was cut off mid sentence, claws retracted from her mind, as a sharp and sudden pain replaced the dull numbness overtaking her arm, as a bolt of pink crystal was stapled through her wrist.
“My… that’s troublesome… I don’t recall inviting any guest to my home this day.”
A female voice rang out from behind her as the black mass pulled back… and into her hand, replacing the flesh it had previously dissolved.
The sudden sharp pain that cut through and overpowered that inflicted by the blade, proved too much for the crimson thief as her voice suddenly cut short in a silent scream.
she had lost focus on what was happening around her with the pain in her wrist now dominated her thoughts, she was thankful that the voice had gone and fucked off, but now she felt like her hand was being badly cut of… or should be to give her some peace.
She glanced up towards the voice that spoke out, trying to find the owner, but in the throws of throbbing pain her vision was blurry and made it hard to make anything out except the fuzzy outline of a woman standing above her.
“A low blood…” The owner of the voice knelt beside her on the ground, bringing her features into sharper focus… Maybe it was just the light that filled the room that made it look that way, but the Witch’s eyes definitely seemed to glow with that same pink hue of the room. It was more than just a mutant color, it was alien entirely. Otherwise she was slender, with sharp, almost drawn features, and long black hair hung from her shoulders like a waterfall. Everything about her screamed beauty and power, but in the same breath, just looking at her was unnerving in a way.
“You didn’t lose the test of wills in an instant… you must be very strong.” Her hand extended out, long crystalline fingers wrapping around Chirot’s injured wrist. “Interesting… I helped you win this battle… so you may claim the spoils. But a great debt you now owe” The glow in her eyes flared, and the pain in the troll’s wrist faded as the bolt reformed into a band pressed directly onto her skin. As that happen, there was a strange slimy feeling in her arm, as she could see the sword she’d just been hold pull into her flesh.
With the subsiding pain, chirots crimson eyes were able to focus in on the seemingly elegant yet alien woman above her, drinking in the details of her face before her attention was taken by the feeling of something cold and fluid gliding through her hand and arm, causing the small troll to gasp in surprise as she watched the weapon deform and melt in to her skin.
“gahh! Wha-…”
she started looking up at shat she though might be her rescuer, but now she realised she wasn’t that lucky.
“owe you?… owe you what?”
she gasped, look in up in to those pink glowing eyes with concern.
“That’s a good question… Perhaps… as I just saved it… you can owe me your life~” She smiled ominously before pushing her hands against her knees and standing up, not a particularly tall woman, about 5’6, and held a hand down in an offer of help for the still prone troll. “We can iron out the details after I explain to you what you just did to yourself.”
Chirot tried to reach out with her right hand out of habit, but the event had made her whole arm numb and paralyzed, so she reached up with her unbranded hand to clasp the others and helped her self up to her feet, showing that the low blood was about a head shorter than the witch with long flowing black hair that could do with a good brushing. The thief was wearing an old black shirt with red patches and ugly stitching indicated she had done the work herself, and tight dark cargo pants with the knees close to wearing away. Over her shoulder held her canvas knapsack that clinked with the sound of jars and bottles, thankfully none seemed to be broken.
“oh… oh goody, one of those debts…” she replied mournfully, “don’t suppose I could interest you in some fancy baubles instead?” she added jokingly as she tried to get her balance, finding it hard because she felt heavier on her right side now.
“Those are the sorts of debts one gathers when they touch what they aught not touch.” She just smiled again, before noting that the smaller troll couldn’t seem to find her balance, and given they were going to be leaving this room soon, that was just not going to do. “Now, raise your arms and put them around my neck, and we’ll talk about the other stolen goods once we are back to my sitting room.”
She didn’t particularly wait for Chirot, she simply put her hands under Chirot’s arms, and lifted her up like she didn’t weigh anything, and brought her in close so she could carry her with one arm and still have the other free to climb as she needed. And then she started heading towards the hallway that the thief had entered through.
Being carried in such a way made chirot blush a bit as she was led out of the basement and back to a more normal part of the witches hive, and away from the pink foreboding lights.
“but it was so pretty, I had to touch…”
Chirot grumbled back, unsure what the issue was, or what exactly that blade was that now seemed to be a part of her arm.
“I love touching pretty things”
The Witch set her down in one of the large chairs before the fireplace and placed herself into the other one. Then she snapped her fingers and the fire lit itself.
“My, if that is the case, then I am sure when I take stock of my goods later on, my inventory will be off a few count.” She gave a curious glance towards the bag she’d heard the clinking from a moment ago and then shift to a knowing look into the girl’s eyes.
“Anyways. that Weapon… I do find it fascinating that you didn’t immediately lose yourself to its will. the thing was once part of a much grander creature before I cut it off and stripped it for all it was worth. Broken as it was though, its will and deadly desire was still strong… and yet you fought its will with your own.”
“well… i had other ideas on what i wanted, and didn’t agree with him…” chirot replied a little sheepishly as she tried to subtlety shift her bag out of the witches veiw, as if to say ‘what bag?’
“so what was that thing exactly?”
she asked, scratching at her wrist where the crystal band now pressed in to her skin.
“A piece of one of those creatures that lie beyond what is known. Speaking their true names is a good way to bring them to your back door, so I’ll just call them the common term, or horrorterror. Nasty beast, unimaginable in size and power, they are the source of all powers truly occult in this world.” She leaned back, closing her eyes for the moment as if she was imagining something.
“The particular one you’ve just absorbed into your virgin flesh was a part of a beast that seems out and consumes other terrors, rending them to shreds and taking their power for all they are worth. A true beast of wanted war and hunger and blind rage. So it makes it all the more impressive that you beat its will.”
Chirot blushed a bit at the phrase ‘virgin flesh’ as she tried to keep up with the story this witch was telling her now.
“so… i have a horror terror… in my arm?.. wait why do you have horror terror swords in your basement… they worth much?”
chirot replied, her focus drifting a bit at the influx of information.
“i doubt its was a case of be beating it, it was kinda kicking my ass the whole time.”
she added, shuddering at the thought of the pain she just suffered before adding.
“still, how much is it worth?”
“Depends on who you ask.” She just shrugged. “A practitioner of the occult like myself that could take it and distill out that which gives it strength? A great deal and they likely wouldn’t allow you to leave their company till they’ve torn it from your body. The average seek and destroy clown thinking that all things of impure blood must be purged?” She chuckled. “I think you get my point, it’s worth a lot, but the people that would be buying wouldn’t be asking, they’d be taking.”
“As for your other off hand curiousities, yes, you do. It’s a hobby of mine. and it’s not so much that you were beating it, it’s that you didn’t crumple like a piece of wet paper.” The Witch slowly leaned forward. “Which means, you are far more resistant to these creatures than 90% of the populous that wouldn’t die on contact with such a object. Which means I find you very interesting my little thief.”
“well, now your just trying to flatter me, i know im awesome… not admitting to that last bit though”
Chirot replied, not copping to her sticky finger habits just yet, despite being caught with her hand still in the cookie jar and is now carrying the jar around.
“so i cant fence horror terrors… easily, well, i guess not this one at least… better question, how permanent is this angry war monster gonna be to my body? it felt like it ate my hand back there….”
chirot looked down at the hand on the other side of the crystal band with sudden realization.
“is that still my hand?”
she asked a little nervously.
The witch made a bit of a face at the question, before standing up, walking over to Chirot, and gently taking her hand. She looked it over carefully with her strange glowing eyes.
“Talking through pure ownership, it is still your hand. But talking makeup…” She traced a finger across the back of Chirot’s hand, just passed the knuckles. “All of your fingers, save for their very bones, are currently made of the creature’s body since it consumed your actual flesh. As for the beast’s permanency in your body? It would not be hard to remove now, as this pact you’ve been forced into is new and truly without stated bounds yet, but you may lose use of this arm from the process.”
Chirot gulped at that prospect of losing her arm, and a little horrified that her hand was strictly hers as she flexed her fingers, it felt the same, but she knew it wasn’t.
“well, lets not go messing with that then. I’ll keep it around if it pays rent”
chirot replied, trying to hide her disgust at the fact her hand was not truly her own.
“err what do you mean by there not being any bounds in the, what was it, pact?”
“Of course.” She didn’t leave Chirot’s side, or even really let go of her hand. Rather she raised it slightly to bring the band on her wrist into focus. “The blade, when you touched it, forced you into a pact to gain the use of your body. That was the only bound, or rule, it set in place for the pact, that it became a part of your body, and then it tried to overtake your will so that it would have full control. This-” she taps a finger against the band, “is a bound I quickly made when I saw what happened while you spent a few minutes writhing on my floor. It is fairly simple, a statement that your will is final for your body. And per the rules of the pact, since it simply became a piece of you, that means this bound gave you complete ownership of it.”
And then she finally let go. “But your pact was not closed, so some more bounds, rules could still be added… though I will have to charge you for them.” There was a chuckle to her voice, as if she was joking, but her actual tone didn’t change at all. So either she was not taking any of this seriously at all, or just that part of it was a joke.
With all of the handling of her hand from the more womanly troll, chirot couldn’t help but blush a bit at the smooth feel of the others fingers on her own.
“err, good to know… do you take credit?”
chiro asked, trying to keep the levity in her voice as she drank in this information, on top of what she already had digesting. it was going to take her a while to get to grips with that’s happened to her hand. and find out if that voice was going to return or not.
“uhhh, i need time to process all that, how about I get your name… everyone calls you the evil witch of the woods…”
I can certainly start you on a tab, though you’ll have to do quite a bit to work off the already gathered interest~“ Her tone finally shifted a bit, taking on a more teasing sound, before she stood and moved back to her chair. “As for my name, Evil Witch of the Woods certainly has a fun little ring to it, but, I don’t really feel it’s fitting.”
She sat down and crossed a leg over the other, and tapped her crystalline fingers against the table beside her, thinking about if she should answer or not. “But, if true names are what you’re in the market for, you’ll have to promise to return to me should I tell you my own. It’s not something I would give out to just anyone after all.”
“true names?” chirot asked, blinking a bit as she processed what her sharp eyes just saw, her savior was wearing a knee length skirt, that did little to prevent the sharp eyed girl from getting an eyeful of the witches pretty pink nook as she crossed her legs. Distracting her from searching her memories for what that might mean in the occult writings she had read. Their was something she read in demonology about true names being something that could impose power over demons… was that what she was getting at?
“huh, well if that is up for grabs, sure, I’ll come back” she replied, figuring her hand troubles would force her to come back here anyway, so it wasn’t much of a request for a name.
“im chirot by the way, lover and finder of pretty things” she added, a little distractedly as she still couldn’t believe what she just saw, and it kinda made her want to see more.
“Well then, Chirot.” The witch just smiled as she said the troll’s name, it rolled off her tongue just so, she liked it, it was a name she would keep in mind. “My name is Heamia, but I trust I won’t hear that name spill from your lips unless I draw it out-” In contrast, there was a snap to her voice as she said her own, a call to attention to the seriousness in her tone. “Understood?”
Chirot stiffened up at the serious tone, the authority in her voice doing little to squash chirots own lady boner so far, particularly that phrasing of ‘unless she drew it out’ made her wonder a bit.
“uhhh, perfectly…” she replied, a little dry mouthed as she realized the witch.. Heamia, liked her privacy a lot.
privacy that she couldn’t help but get curious about what it was hiding.
“Perfect~” She pushed herself up and onto her feet in one smooth motion and started a bit towards Chirot. Stopping just a foot of so away from her chair. “Well, lets get you on your way. and by the way, bottles are potions of power, which I am sure you will have fun figuring out what they do if you dare try, make sure to drink them in one go, crystals are charms with fun little effects, not as potent, but longer lasting. do be careful with them, and if you need me for anything…” her eyes scanned down, and she noticed something that made her smirk.
Her hand moved out as if to offer Chirot help standing up, but if she reached for it, the hand just kept going down until her fingers gently pressed against the tip of Chirot’s bulge through her pants. “Well, almost anything, this-” She squeezed its tip between her index finger and thumb. “-is not yet something I want to help take care of. You’re a grown girl, I’m sure you have a good imagination~” After a few more squeezes her hand moved back to being the offer to help her stand.
Chirot gave a sharp intake at the witches handsy grasp at her straining bulge still in her pants. Catching the small thief off guard as she looked up at the witch above her, taken aback by her dominance as she could only nod in agreement and give some confused mumbles as she was helped to her feet.
Her new arm still felt heavy to her, but it didn’t seem to be throwing off her balance so much now as she walked with Heamia.
“you know, feeding bad habits is just gonna encourage more bad habits…”
chirot managed to say after she stopped blushing madly. Realizing that she was being allowed to make off with all the loot she bagged. Including the iron key, she never found the use for.
“not that im complaining…”
Heamia just smirked and smiled lightly at Chirot’s attempts to compose herself after the little assault. Though, when the bad habits were mentioned, she just gave the troll a little pat on the head. “Consider them a consolation prize for managing to not die after touching a cursed item.”
chirot gave a little irritated glower at being petted, it made her feel like a pet of some kind… she didn’t know how she felt about that. only that she didnt want to be a stranger’s pet.
“well, maybe i should touch more, make myself a mint~”
she replied dryly.
“Alright then, whatever little ideas pop into your head, I’m sure they will be fun. Now get on your way Chirot, and remember, come back to me when you have questions in need of answers.” She seemed unaffected by Chirot’s tonal change, just herself maintaining her calm, slightly floaty tone.
chirot nodded as she was led to the door, a little peeved that the witch was ignoring her annoyance. but more than a little stoked that her little excursion seemed to be a net gain despite getting caught, maimed and nearly killed.
“uhh, sure, if i have any more questions, sure, i’ll pop round”
she promised, uncertain why she would have any more questions for later. but wasn’t going to argue such a small point.
“do i need to make an appointment… or well, ill just show up, yeah, i’ll do that”
she added, realizing mid-way she didn’t have a phone
“Whisper softly to your wrist with honest need and I should hear you.” A wider smile crept across her face. “That is my blood after all, I am quite keen on keeping tags on it. Just so you know.“
Chirots eyes grew wide at that, there was a lot unpack there in her mind, not only was this new bracelet some how holding back a monster from eating her, it was also a homing beacon made of blood and some king of phone?
“wow… some might call that over bearing and needy”
chirot jabbed back, defaulting to cheeky while her mind was in overload trying to wrap around all this magic stuff.
“you keep tabs on all your guests like this?”
“Magic my dear, it comes off as strange to all those out of the know~” There wasn’t a lot left for her to say on that topic, magic was weird, and it took a long time to even start to understand it. “And no, only those that I think are worth it. So have fun, and be on your way.”
That obvious pass got Chirot a little flushed again that she didn’t get a chance to respond to the flirtatious remark as she found herself outside in the night air. Her bag full of loot and herself a little heavier.
“I think i need a stiff drink… three. I need three stiff drinks to process… all of that shit”
She said aloud as she looked back at the hive. Would she really come back to all of that? Maybe this was one of those times to take the safe option and book it, a tempting prospect. But then she remembered something…
“I never did find that safe…” she thought aloud as she walked the path. Making up her excuse to herself to return.
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