New non-troll Sprites for Felcis Wilkins

Some walk sprite art that i made as a test for RPG Developer Bakin
Dualis Garden, a place where the mistress of the forest likes to relax with her haram of wandered that drew too close to her abode, or otherwise caught her eye and invited back for tea~
Chrysa from Muse
Karyn from Takantwins
Melryn from TacitChatter
Delect from Deepdark sea
Kober from Shadygal
Celeios from Penglog Enfys
Yfvorn from TediumArt
Toxic from T0xicTM
Aku from Aku
and, Dualis from Failtrolls!
Part 10 of 8 of the Mega Commission: Dualis' Garden.
this time, its the Mistress of the garden herself, Dualis Animas~
Part 9 of 8 of the Mega Commission: Dualis' Garden.
commissioned by Aku
the latest to be inducted it Dualis' garden, what plans does the mistress of latex have for Aku?
Part 8 of 8 of the Mega Commission: Dualis' Garden.
commissioned by T0xicTM
Toxic have become an angel statue for display in dualis' garden~
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