Category: Art

Deceive’s boy toy

Deceive breeding her femboi date, Corvus~

Commissioned by Penglog Enfys
Deceive belongs to Penglog Enfys

Deceive's boy toy 1
Deceive's boy toy 2

Void and Lattai Comfy Chats

Lattai having fun just being filled with Void.
Commissioned by Wanderer of the Void.

Void and Lattai Chill time 1
Void and Lattai Chill time 3
Void and Lattai Chill time 2
Void and Lattai Chill time 4

Felcis Bullying Lattai

Felcis x Lattai 1

Updated Sprites for Alaric Wilkins

Alaric RevenX mythic test 1
Alaric RevenX Formal Mob 1

Updated Felcis Sprites (Hume)

New non-troll Sprites for Felcis Wilkins

Felcis RevenX BeeKeeper 1
Felcis RevenX Nude 1
Felcis RevenX Nude 2

Ravina WalkSprite (Clothed)

Ravina SpritSheet 3x4 CC 1

Ravina Nude WalkSprite

Some walk sprite art that i made as a test for RPG Developer Bakin

Ravina SpritSheet 3x4 Nude

Updated Dualis Sprite!

Sprite Update: Doll Fenris

Fenris Revenent Doll Leotard Coat 1
Fenris Revenent Doll Coat Only 1
Fenris Revenent Doll Leotard 1
Fenris Revenent Doll Nude 1

Dualis’ Garden – Final

Dualis Garden, a place where the mistress of the forest likes to relax with her haram of wandered that drew too close to her abode, or otherwise caught her eye and invited back for tea~

Chrysa from Muse
Karyn from Takantwins
Melryn from T

Dualis in the garden final 4